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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Exactly. You wear your mask and you moderate your risk. Thank you for making my point.
  2. You are exactly right. Thank you. Now if he hadn't totally ***** it up.
  3. So you're against any research for Covid treatments? Why?
  4. So the troops are coming home because of Trump yes or no? Who made the promise and who ***** it up?
  5. So is this cluster***** on Trump or Biden?
  6. Our prom king is better than your prom king. Neener neener neener.
  7. So wait. I thought it was TRUMP who negotiated the deal to bring them home and this cluster***** is his fault. Are you confused? You sound confused.
  8. https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMRhr5AQV/ Game Set Match.
  9. Again if you think that teachers in schools are going to stick with what CRT is and not use the opportunity to push a guilt agenda you've not been paying attention. This is what most of us are concerned about. Not CRT itself.
  10. 13 beers left undrunk and @Governor says Americans don't care. That's a hell of a sacrifice right there. But seriously that is a great symbolic gesture.
  11. Real deep dude. Trump is ***** awesome! 😂😂😂
  12. Yup. Kills ya doesn’t it. If it weren’t for a bad flu he’d likely have been re-elected in a massive landslide.
  13. Negligence? Boys? He was a success and it pisses him the ***** off and it’s glorious.
  14. Go ahead suggest away. History is and can be incredibly fascinating and dry at the same time. And reading glasses. What pray tell are those? 😁
  15. Oh now he negotiated their release. Cry semantics all you want. But I will nail you on that ***** time and time again. Carry on illiterate boy.
  16. Why do they have to sue for a mandate? All they have to do is slap a mask on little Johnny and send him on his way no? 🙄
  17. How DARE you insult our President like that!! 😡😡😡
  18. Chef master debater…..wait.
  19. No you did not. Look at the word after (well that gave it away LOL) greatness.
  20. I hope you feel like a real ***** tool now for posting this. 😡
  21. I wouldn’t give you advice because you jump to conclusions. This will be my 6th year of not following the Bills. How long ago did they draft Josh? Yeah….3 years ago. I hate a QB that runs as much as he does. Hated Flutie.
  22. I get that but the difference with baseball it there is always opportunity for “action”. There is no whistle and stoppage of play. When the ref blows the whistle that’s it action stops. A down In football lasts what a few second. An innings in baseball can last 20 minutes.
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