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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I don't even know when the home opener is.
  2. This shows our voter rolls are ***** and why we need proper/valid ID’s to prove residence. It won’t be perfect but it will help.
  3. As long as you vote yes Ismael I don’t care. LOL But seriously this is stupid. Am I happy with Newsom? Of course not but let’s get rid of him during the next election in 15 months. This is a total waste of money and sets a horrible precedent just as the impeachment of Trump did.
  4. It wouldn’t surprise me if they volunteered for the assignment. Reporters have been in war zones forever.
  5. So is our military involvement in Afghanistan ending or not?
  6. Most of the Marines were from Camp Pendleton. I’m not far from the camp. We hear the boys blowing ***** up all the time. Shakes the house when the big stuff goes off.
  7. Triggeing me? Nope. Laughing at your stupidity. 😂😂😂 Again what does that letter have to do work Trump! Ill hang up and listen to your answer Twit For Brains.
  8. Interesting based on that pic of the C-17 packed with what appeared to be anyone but Americans it appeared as if we were trying to.
  9. No their bombs got them. Hence the term suicide bombers. You may excuse yourself from this conversation. Leave it to the adults mmmkay. EDIT: Never mind. I didn't see the news. Good for him. Still doesn't erase the cluster*****edness of the withdrawal. Sorry…..I replied before I read the replies.
  10. And what in the world does this have to do with Trump? Off the rails on your crazy TDS train again I see. Carry on Crazy Boy.
  11. No blows landed? How many shots were taken at Trump that were major whiffs? The lack of awareness is strong in this one. I think his love for Biden is he can relate to his senility.
  12. So the way it was conducted was successful? Abandoning the air base FIRST? Leaving likely billions of dollars of high tech military gear behind for the Taliban? Stranding Americans and other allies? Zero vetting of those evacuated in the middle of a pandemic? Absolute CHAOS with people chasing airplanes and hanging on to the plane and dropping thousands of feet to their deaths? And here’s the kicker. The man you call a “real dude” (whatever that means) said he planned for all contingencies? Does it look like they did? If the planner/organizer/leader of a project in the private sector had their project go the “successfully” would likely be removed by their BOD. Why did you quote me with this nonsense? When was the last time I posted a Tweet? Quoted Jack Prosoniec (whoever he is) and gotten any takes from anyone but myself? Funny how so many world leaders have been VERY critical of Biden but you feel he did a great job with Afghanistan. You’re on the wrong side of this one.
  13. So 12 months ago this was 100% on the President and now it’s 100% on the states? Did I get that right? 😏
  14. 13 dead US soldiers is a total success to you? Tell ya what. Pop in to those 13 families and let them know you think this was a total success. 😡
  15. So Denmark is better at getting it's people to get the vaccine. This one's on Biden right? Just checking for a friend.
  16. Ummmm yeah the Tweet you shared was all about research Twit for Brains.
  17. If the food it exactly what I was hungry for that evening and was cooked by a Chef of my choosing I'm going with the high risk. Checkmate.
  18. You need a historical reference to tell if something is a success or not? Carry on Spoon Fed Boy. Who is spinning it favorably? It's a cluster***** with plenty of blame to go around. I'm just trying to figure this out. A troop withdrawal that was negotiated by Trump is a shitshow but the evacuation under Biden is a success? Is this what you and @BillStime are going with here?
  19. Another? Still waiting for the first. Carry on Gullible Boy. But hey if you think this was successful you can point to Trump for setting the wheels in motion. His successor just royally ***** it up. Great game plan poor execution. That's what happens where you change coaching staffs mid season. I put it in a stupid sports analogy so you lunkheads would get it.
  20. Got it. So you're against any research to save lives in any way possible. Thanks for the clarification. How do you feel about cancer research?
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