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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. How long were the lines in GA on Tuesday? Any reports of people dying of dehydration? Any reports of people not being able to vote? Asking for a friend.
  2. I haven't had more than ten in person client meetings since 2017. For those of you keeping track that was 3 years prior to the pandemic.
  3. Once Hispanics realize their values align mostly with the right and Republicans can get their heads out of their asses and learn how to market to that demographic it’s all over for the Dems….for a long time.
  4. They had how many months to figure this out? Politicians are ***** idiots that wouldn’t last a day in the private sector.
  5. Ummm according to your suggestion that my waking people would be good for my BP it appears you do care. Carry on confused bigotty troll.............
  6. She was? Please explain the hierarchy of movie set management and where the cinematographer falls in that management flow chart. Thank you.
  7. And like Marie @SectionC3 feels those laborers who are disproportionately hurt by high gas prices should just eat cake.
  8. You mean Irv. Just wait until he starts with. Maniacal movie man maliciously murders maven........film at 11!
  9. Waking who? Angry? Me? I'm the happiest person I know. To a fault. I just get angry occasionally and it's usually directed at trolls and bigots. Carry on bigotty troll...... Oh BTW my BP is ***** awesome!
  10. And this the whole problem with your argument. Because he relied on someone else he is now involved in a homicide investigation. How did that trust do him? Do you check your fuel before you drive or do you rely on your kid or spouse with the "awwww I left you plenty of fuel." Now there will be no weapons in movies or TV. They will all point fingers and say "pew pew pwe!!" It's not ignorant it's by FAR the number one question. WHY were there live rounds anywhere on that set let alone within 10 feet of a weapon let alone chambered??
  11. Ok couple things. Here's a story. I was a Chef in a restaurant and there was food in the window getting ruined under the heat lamps. It was John's table Me: Hey John, you're a actor right? John: Yes, yes I am! Me: Good then act like a ***** waiter and get this food out of may kitchen!! Moral of the story. You handle weapons, regardless who you are, you follow protocol "You're an actor, act like a weapons specialist. Here is an article that does a good job talking about the protocol. https://www.usatoday.com/story/entertainment/movies/2021/10/24/alec-baldwin-rust-shooting-avoidable-gun-safety-protocols/6161048001/
  12. Same protocol. Supposedly safe weapon. Never assume our someone may get shot. Gee, where have i heard this before?
  13. Not sure if it was a Friday but I seem to think it was. I was working at the Long Beach Hilton and the LA Riots broke out. Some nearby liquor stores were hit so they told us all to stay. Put us in rooms at the hotel. Quite the party we all had that night. I snuck out to one of the non-hit liquor stores. LOL
  14. You've won bupkis. Ok kids listen up. We will be using weapons in the filming of this (movie, TV show, whatever). Here are the protocols. All weapons will be checked twice when being handed out. Once by the person handing the weapon over for the scene and the actor being handed that gun for that particular scene. Then when you are done with the weapon check to make sure it is not loaded before handing it back to props and then props confirms that it is not live. Clear? Clear?? CLEAR??? No I'm not joking. Follow that protocol above and this thread doesn't exist. Simple. Look at how many handle their weapon, not pointing it at a target, and have their finger on the trigger. That's the first thing they ***** teach you. And a good range master will drill that into you. Our range master said we yell because we care.
  15. I emailed our US Senators, Congresswoman, State Senator and Representative this morning asking what the ***** is going on. Our gas is $1.50-$2.00 higher than any other state and there has been zero explanation as to why. I'm tired of sitting here and paying $70 to fill my tank every time.
  16. When I firearm is handed over in a scenario such as this it should be checked twice. Once by the person handing it and the other accepting it.
  17. Who put a bullet in the furnace..............? First correct guess of the source of the above wins.
  18. Married filing separately is typically not recommend. That will likely change. Ahhhhh government and their constant inability to think things through.
  19. Here's the thing about his tax proposals. He recommends raising taxes on single filers making $400k or more but married joint filers making $450k. Why is no one pointing out the absurdity in this? Who suggested this? The CPA lobby? "Wait.....if we do this we'll be preparing twice as many tax returns! Brilliant!!"
  20. On a completely different note I always thought the Atlanta Flames was a pretty effed up name. Kind of like calling a team the LA Riots.
  21. Hopefully slowly and VERY painfully.
  22. Pasta eggs and pickle juice. 🤷🏻‍♂️
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