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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. To point out why I no longer watch. I thought the was pretty clear.
  2. So I’m not allowed to post here because I’m not a fan of the team? Got it. Thanks for straightening me out Boy you guys sure her testy after a bad game.
  3. Maybe you should pop in a GOT DVD on Sundays instead. It’s a lot less stressful. 🙄
  4. Wait….you’re a football fan and you weep at a little smack. Good lord.
  5. I hate to gloat but this is why I don’t watch anymore.
  6. What tears dude? I'm not crying. I'm actually laughing at you by calling you out on your bull#### assertions that you never ever ever back up. Carry on BS Boy.......
  7. Tell us you are likely the type of guy who still pines away over the loss of your first love without telling us you're likely the kind of guy who still pines away over the loss of your first love.
  8. Huh. Lookie here folks. We have an American political expert here in our midst. Please Gov...regale us with your in depth knowledge and research that led you to this conclusion.
  9. It's likely going to be a looooooong wait. They've been working on all the roads and overpasses here in SoCal for years. Why were we able to build a massive military machine "overnight" in the 40's in response to WWII and the Nazis but it now takes 10 years to reconfigure an offramp? Oh and I totally forgot Jerry Brown's high speed rail rightly referred to by some as the Browndoggle.
  10. Why did you quote me and not even address my questions to you? Explain the leverage and where is came from.
  11. Did they improve for you during Trump as well? Didn’t we get some great jobs reports in those 4 years? And he didn’t start at the bottom with nowhere to go but up like Biden did.
  12. I'm not trying to prove anything other than you have not, and cannot, prove YOUR point. Try harder? This is the ***** easiest thing I've done in months. LOL!!! Check and Mate Mate.
  13. You love to use the word deflect. Look in the mirror I missed being right. Sorry to point it out to you. Carry on deflection boy.
  14. @Governor You truly think you'll be dead before the Hispanic vote flips red?
  15. So the mayoral race in Atlanta is inconsequential? You have zero opinion of how these racists new laws played out? Carry on toolboy. 😂
  16. @BillStime My friends are still waiting. They heard how up in arms you were about the new racists voting laws put into place in GA. They are concerned. How long were the lines? Were any voters suppressed? They need to know how ***** up GA voting is now that those racists bastards put in these "we don't care about anyone not white" voting laws.
  17. My post validates that a) I’m part of some cult and b) I’m mentally disturbed? How’s that?
  18. Professional sports getting into politics is a reminder to me I did the correct thing in kicking them all to the curb. Principles. 🙄
  19. That's all you got? What does this sub-forum have to do with the team I know longer follow? ***** dude. I didn't think it was possible but you've gotten even lamer.
  20. How long were the lines in GA on Tuesday? How may complaints were there about voter suppression? Asking for another friend.
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