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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. A good leader doesn’t care about the source of the problem as much as fixing it. True leaders actually thrive on that. Coming in and fixing major problems. What is the current administration doing to fix it? Same thing they are doing about gas prices Same thing they are doing about the border crisis….. BUBKES!! Buttigieg’s plan? Wait until the pandemic is over. I fell out of my chair when I heard that one. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Politicians left/right/center are useless.
  2. It’s not a game you ***** tool! You make a claim. I ask you to clarify and you can’t. So you lose constantly. Biden reduced child poverty. 😂😂😂😂
  3. Hand feed?? I’m just wanting you to clarify your assertion. If you can’t so be it. No biggie.
  4. I did. But you made the claim so I’d like to hear it from you. By how much has Biden reduced childhood poverty?
  5. Yeah we eat babies for breakfast. So how has Biden reduced childhood poverty?
  6. Some Trump fingerprints in there sprinkled with a few hopes and dreams. 😂 Reduced child poverty. 😂😂😂
  7. No you didn’t. Jim Crow on steroids? Tell us you have no clue what Jim Crow was really all about without actually telling us you have no clue what Jim Crow was all about. 😏 How did it negatively affect last week’s elections in GA?
  8. Sure? Ok. Where's the comparison? You do know what the word compare means right?? Why do you obsess over my health? And what is this safe place you're always yammering on about?
  9. Doesn't bother me. I actually find it quite amusing that based on the fact that I point out that no one has been able to explain exactly what made the GA voter laws Jim Crow on steroids I'm somehow a racist. Ooookay. And there wasn't any swinging in the "Soufflé's of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine region" tour. That happens in the "Saucisson Sec avec moutard cru" 10k run that ends in some wild ass swinging.
  10. Nothing good will come from workers controlling the wages.
  11. Pffffft. I'm Chef Jim Crow. Awesome. LOL
  12. Leadership. ***** lead. I heard a guy on the radio saying one of the issues is there is no place to leave the empty containers. I'm like *****...I didn't think of that. One suggestion he had was in Long Beach there is a city ordinance that says they can only stack the containers two high. He said make a temporary executive order to allow them to stack six high. Will that fix the problem? Of course not. But it's something. Do something to fix this. By the way the biggest problem? Longshoreman's Union. Operating 24/7 my ass.
  13. Thank you for clarifying why it's perfect for your theme song. LOL!!
  14. So we've had this supply chain issue for how many months now? I see the line of ships off the coast here grow bigger and bigger every week. There are ways to "fix" this but I've heard NOTHING from our leaders. What are they waiting for?
  15. Brilliant. ***** brilliant I tell you. We should play this every time you walk in the room!
  16. People committing fraud typically don't like to announce it. I was going to say you really should delete this thread but it's it actually quite interainining Carry on entertainment tonight boy.
  17. That statement reveals his inability? You new here?
  18. My Saint?? LOL!! So Trump set the bar real low? That's how you're going to evaluate the leadership of the current President? That's all you got. Pretty sad wouldn't you think? There is plenty of politicization going around for both sides wouldn't you agree. I seem to remember a certain "leader" and his "assistant" not too long ago saying that they had reservations about the vaccine. Now they're all for the vaccine. Quick question.... Would you consider that politicizing the vaccine? What say you Billy Boy? ETTD?
  19. I guess when it's impossible to defend the current resident of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave you resort to idiocy like this. Carry on idiot boy.
  20. I swear to God if the last 5 years do not produce a viable third party..............
  21. Didn't take long for this to go up in flames. @SectionC3 should have deleted it here. Voter ID is sooooooo racists! At least that's what I've been told. When I was 17 I would have likely voted against my dad. LOL
  22. The Joe Biden of football teams. Let's go Brand....I mean Buffalo!!
  23. You seem to care. And i can leave now? Why thanks dad.
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