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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Forgive me if any of these have been done Hot Tuna Melt Jeff Beck’s Chick-fil-A Corea Daryl Hall and John Oats (natural mash up) Bruno Mars Bar Eminem’s Mountain Dew
  2. It has blown my mind since I first found out about it. Do we have some culpability in the children being separated? Possibly. But paying families $450k a pop? Where did they come up with that number. Funny...that's also the income level where people will likely get soaked further via taxes next year.
  3. I would think they should delete it. I think this probably violates some TOS. Regardless it's JA trolling which is all he's good for. BTW the real reason he's been MIA is quite a head scratcher. He needed to Trick or Treat with his kids and he couldn't say no? You need two weeks for that. Sumpin's up.
  4. What a horrible precedence this is setting. So what will stop the 1,000's and 1,000's at the border now from lawyering up and getting their share. Are they also being treated poorly at the border?
  5. The only thing we manufacture here in the USA these days are crises.
  6. Some of these are awesome guys! Fiona Applebee's Chocolate Covered Almond Brothers Glenn Miller.....what are you 100? Wait, you're younger than me. Carry on.
  7. I’ll start. Fleetwood Mac-n-Cheese
  8. Stereotypes often come from reality don’t they? Like the stereotypical whiner Bills fan. I’ll speak to you about anything I want snowflake. Question: How much government cheese did you feed your family?
  9. No it takes a family. Not surprised a liberal doesn't understand that. And yes poor people often (not always but often) are poor because of poor decisions. It was not stereotyping. I just used meth/booze/gambling as an example of where your beloved child tax credit money could be going because there is zero control. But go ahead. Throw my money at people who often habitually make poor decisions. It's done so well up until now in eliminating poverty.
  10. Only a liberal thinks children are raised by money. Did you know the Bills lost to the 1-6 Jags? Oh yeah you're the king of losers.
  11. No it was invented by the same person who invented the term "my bad". 🙄
  12. A school raises other people's children?? Only a lefty would come up with this nonsense. When my property taxes go directly to a family to do whatever they want (meth/booze/gimbling) then you'll have a point. Until then you'll continue to be..... Sooooo ***** predictable. Do you EVER get tired of having your ass handed to you. Oh wait.....Bills fan. Never mind.
  13. I didn't know that. You said CREDIT. Paying people to have children is never a good thing. Have we learned nothing from our past handouts. For many "poor" families that money will never make it to their children's wellbeing. You're relying on people who are poor often due to poor decisions to make wise decisions. How does this even make sense. Why should I pay to raise someone else's child? This is not the role that government should pay. Can't afford them....don't have them.
  14. You do realize the child tax credit is temporary right. And please. Tell us about this $2.3t tax credit. Now isn't this a funny little bit of irony. I put you in awkward positions with every post. Kind of line the tax credit one I just asked.
  15. Cop out? Says the guy who cries "waahhh you're asking me QUESTIONS!!" 😂 Hate to break it to you kiddo but the child tax credit will NOT reduce the child poverty level even if it is extended in 2022. Trust me on this one.
  16. Cop out? Hmmmm you say these crises are all "manufactured" then proceed to give reasons why all these "manufactured crises" are not Biden's fault. Which is it confused boy? You can't even keep up with your own self. ***** hilarious.
  17. Chuck is affectionately referred to as Satan When at a moe. show you were either on the Chuck side (stage right) or the Al side (stage left) This show I was obviously on the Al side.
  18. Wait..... I thought all these crises were an illusion?? Carry on confused boy.
  19. Manufactured crises? Really?? So all those ships I can see anchored off the coast are an illusion? All those people at our southern border is an illusion? That nearly $5 gas is an illusion? The highest inflation in years is an illusion? The ***** show withdrawal of our troops from Afghanistan is an illusion? The Bills sucking is an illusion? This one actually makes me laugh. I've done my research on how people feel about their vote. Why I brought it up. You do realize that Biden only finished what Trump started with regard to Afghanistan right? You can hate on Trump all you want. Some of it is well deserved but to sit here and praise Biden shows the level of partisan hackery you display here every day. Carry on you hackey sack of bull turds.
  20. Chuck Garvey, lead guitarist for moe. one of the Jamband circuit mainstays for several years suffered a stroke yesterday. They formed at UB in 1989. This comes after the 2017 diagnosis of throat cancer by bass player Rob Derhak. Rob has had a full recovery and here's to Chuck having the same result. Speedy recovery dude! https://www.jambase.com/article/moe-chuck-garvey-stroke
  21. So he went from the best first year President EVER to "well yeah....he's done more than Trump." Based on your Trump bar his done better than sucking balls? Awesome! But if he's done so much for the American people how do you explain the numbers of people who regret voting for Joe?
  22. I forgot how truly sad you are. Trump is so deep in your brain you'll need a Trumpectomy to remove it. Shouldn't be too difficult of a procedure seeing it won't be obstructed by any brain matter.
  23. Ha! I absolutely knew this was going to be your answer. Trump Trump Trump Trump....... No President Gracie? Biden is, in your mind, up until now, the greatest President EVER?? Holy crap dude. And you call Trump fans delusional. 😂
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