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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I'm going the distance..... Angel Food Cake Carrot Cake Wedding Cake Crab Cake Cake Flour Rice Cake Chocolate Cake Birthday Cake Pineapple Upside Down Cake And so on............
  2. Story. I worked with the black dude in a restaurant many years ago. We were in the locker room. Me: interesting how the British have different words for food. Like fries are chips, chips are crisps, what word do they use for crackers? 🤔 (it’s biscuits BTW) Him: white people? The look on his face was “oh *****! I shouldn’t have said that!” (I was his boss). I laughed my ass off. This, however, wasn’t a locker room Mr “Cracker Jack” President.
  3. He misspoke? He used a word that was kicked out of our lexicon 50 plus years ago. The fact that it’s still part of his demented or not is VERY telling. When someone “tells” you who they are….believe them.
  4. I'm for mandating birth control. Overpopulation is one of the biggest issues with the problems in the world. COVID will eventually go away or get to a point where it's affect on the planet is minimal however overpopulation will be with us forever. For those who can't tell this is sarcasm but hopefully my point resonates.
  5. Of course there are a lot of variables but if you have good health, longevity and good savings to live off of until 70 waiting is a great option. Keep in mind your survivor benefits are based on when your spouse claims too. Claiming at 62 rarely makes sense. Keep in mind not only will your benefit be permanently reduced if you claim prior to your FRA but if claim at 62 and continue to work your benefit will be reduced even more. Here is a great article on it. I've worked with Mary Beth. She is amazing. https://www.newretirement.com/retirement/getting-the-most-from-social-security/ Wait are you suggesting people cash out the equity in their homes??
  6. No. That was 100% education which I can do. LOL
  7. Oreo Speedwagon Sweet Tea Leaf Green Stanley Clarke Bar Sly and The Family Stone Cold Creamery Matisyahoo Leftover Salmon Mousse Jethro Tullamore Dew Jackie Greene Beans Donna Summer Sausage (the wife's contribution)
  8. Your full retirement age is 66 if born 1954 or earlier. It goes up 2 months for every year until those born 1960 or after where it's 67. You will get a discount if you take SS between 62 and your FRA. From FRA to 70 the lasted you can delay there is an 8% increase in your check. So you delay from 66-70 it's a 32% increase in your check. That's huge. Come on dude. I'm sober when I give the advice...well usually.
  9. Always has been. I'm on a podcast next week to talk tax planning. I submitted my notes and was going to use a case study. Essentially "I have clients that I did _________ for" Completely anonymous but my compliance said "no...that constitutes a testimonial" which is verboten. At least for now. The SEC (but not FINRA) will be more lax on testimonials starting next year.
  10. I have so much to add to this thread but even my mad knife skills won't help me out of compliance hell Carry on...........
  11. I have a really good planner. Dude is amazing!! BTW it was threads like this that prompted me to start my "Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice" campaign. 😂
  12. Starting to get some reaches here. LOL More mashups...the 80's edition Bon Bons Jovi Depeche a la Mode Sonic Youth (another natural mash up) Culture Club Sandwich Great Northern White Beans (give me a break. I'm a Chef and make a kick ass cassoulet)
  13. Reading comprehension? It's a series of captioned pictures that has zero context. 😂
  14. Yes such a thread exists. There are a few of them. Carry on……….
  15. I’m going with he really is that way. Look at his history of starting Troll threads like this one.
  16. Chef's Jim's Delicacies The Monkees Brains. The Escargot Go's Sweetbreads (two two two bands in one AND a mashup!)
  17. We know. Do I get points for telling the truth?
  18. Wait.....did he just say tax refunds changed people's lives??
  19. You're in charge? A troll in charge? 😂😂😂
  20. How about $4.60. Is that high enough? Stop manufacturing these crises B-Man!! 😡
  21. Jimmy all you can eat Buffett. Well that one's a stretch Pink's Floyd (SoCal diner) ZZ Topp's. Another Stretch Blondies Emerson Lake and Palmier Grand Marnier Funk Railroad Thin Mint Lizzy.
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