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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So to you the truth is as long as groups are not as bad as the KKK they're cool? BTW interesting how calling out BLM for who they really are and then putting them "on ignore" they seem to have disappeared. I guess so much for Black Lives Mattering huh?
  2. Seeing we understand what the Freedom from Religion was all about (and keeping religion out of schools ISN'T it) of course we have a problem with this.
  3. This is what happens when you base your pick of running mate on color and gender vs merit and the working relationship they had prior to the selection. Surprise surprise.
  4. You truly are a simpleton aren’t you. What makes a state poor?
  5. Your point of the chart being dated: Oh no it's one year old! But your point is shot down anyway seeing a chart from October of this year shows there are more blue states at the bottom then the chart you said was date. Loss Where in the chart does it show that majority of red states are poor (why this is will be a debate [you will also likely lose] for a later time) and they rely more on the federal government than blue states? (says the guy who wants more fed money to improve a ***** stadium) There is your lie Billy Boy Carry on triple down boy.
  6. The English Beat the egg whites until they form a peak. Sorry Chef lingo. Also timely seeing we saw them just last weekend. And in keeping with the band General Mills Public
  7. If the fan was willing why issue an apology?
  8. Well this just made my day. I just realized I missed world kindness day. 😃
  9. You just hate it when I point out your lies/dumbassery. This isn't a rabbit hole. You said, and I quote: So I'll ask again. Where did you get from that graph that red states are poor AF and they leach off blue states big time? No need to reply. You've lost Check and Mate......again.
  10. How did you get the fact that red states are poorer and leach off of blue states from that chart?
  11. Defend your original point about the chart being a year old. What was your point there Billy Boy?? How does that graph show how poor the states are and the fact that they "leach" off of blue states. You sure read a lot into that one simple graph. Why do you want more money for the stadium? You don't think that's a reasonable question?
  12. Yes........your inability to defend your points.
  13. You do realize current data is even worse for the Dems right? God you're horrible at this.
  14. Why are you all so concerned about people who are not vaccinated? You and yours are likely fully vaccinated so why do you care regarding their choice?
  15. Well actually I am a financial guru of the highest order. And that means total planning. Unlike Fisher. They suck. LOL.
  16. So what you’re saying Trump is still at the point a better motivator? Got it.
  17. What does Jim Crow/racism have to do with this? 🙄 And yes leadership! Not surprisingly you don’t recognize it. Carry on Kowtow boy.
  18. Damn straight! Anyway perfect @BillStime MO….. Me: Biden is a crap leader Billy Boy: Oh yeah?!?! But Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump 🙄
  19. “Like wealthy people do when the get back tax returns.” And I I hear one more person call a tax refund a return…… The problem here is this guy’s in charge.
  20. BTW my response to B-Man that you rolled your eyes at was sarcasm with a tip of the hat to @BillStime ‘s dumbassery thrown in. It’s not the the D’s would rake him over the coals it’s that the media would too. Oh wait…..one in the same. Carry on……
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