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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So they work for those that are vaccinate and does not for those unvaccinated? So the only ones truly harmed here are those that have chosen NOT to get the vaccine? Is that correct?
  2. And in my mind those that benefited most regarding taxes during Trump were renters when he doubled the standard deduction. Not a lot of wealthy renters. Also retirees with paid off homes and no mortgage deductions.
  3. I'm surprised she didn't say we could tap into the equity in our homes that has grown greatly during the pandemic.
  4. There is a small flaw in your logic Stephanie. Savings is finite.
  5. Seriously? This is what makes the GA Bill Jim Crow on Steroids? 😂 Funny but if I remember correctly (and I do) the bill specifically mentions water stations can be made available at polling stations. Carry on Hoaxy McHoax Hoax.
  6. Question for you Tibsy. Why were there riots (glad you used the correct word) and disorder under "the guy before"?
  7. It's not the leader's fault as much as it is how the leader deals with the issues at hand. Poor leaders point fingers and assign blame. Great leaders roll up their sleeves and get to work. What is Biden doing to combat inflation? Maybe he can hand out buttons.
  8. He got nothing done? So he didn't reduce taxes for anyone else? Carry on clueless tool boy.
  9. Be protective of those IQ points.
  10. Reading a post making fun of someone's age. -8 points.
  11. What are you 12? I swear I lose IQ points in this place.
  12. Seriously?? HE CALLED SATCHEL PAIGE A *****!!! No harm meant? Ok then why are we changing the names of sports teams? I mean, there was no harm meant. Has @BillStime stolen your log in because it sure seems like he has.
  13. Why? Is the concession stand too long for you at the Stadium. Shouldn't that money be going to those poor red states? Don't they need it more than your wing stand at the stadium? BTW I'm old enough to remember when a certain Senator promised to get $$ flowing to WNY. What happened?? And you call us gullible and suckers. LOL!!
  14. What does this even mean? One does not have to be PC or Woke to think it's asinine for our President to use a word to describe a black person that has not been used to describe black people for 50 years. But if your cool with it I guess that's on you. And people here have the audacity to all me Chef Jim Crow.
  15. And this changes what he said how exactly? He ***** called Satchel Paige the great ***** for Christ's sake.
  16. It's alive, afraid, a lie, a sin It's magic, it's tragic, it's a loss, it's a win It's dark, it's moist, it's a bitter pain It's sad it happened and it's a shame
  17. Well not so sure. I understand hindsight is 20/20 but had Trump said a few things differently and some things not at all he would have likely won in the greatest landslide in US history. He is/was/will be his own worst enemy.
  18. Here's the irony in all this. Many of those who stood up for change in the 60's and 70's are the one solidly entrenched in or supporting DC and its corruption machine.
  19. How to become a Bazillionaire Step 1 - Create a product that 90% of the population wants Step 2 - Work with governments to mandate that everyone take your product over and over again Step 3 - Profit!
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