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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I didn't say he was. You said it mattered not if he was or wasn't and in my mind it matters a lot. I'm not the rule of law of course. I'm just a juror in the court of public opinion. So let's look at another scenario and see if it fits. I have no clue if it does but here goes. You and I are at a bar. We get in a fight which you initiate. You're beating the crap out of me but I get one good shot in and you fall to the ground hit your head and die. Do I have any liability in this at least in a manslaughter charge? And please don't think I'm on the side of those killed. I would have been on the roof of the building with a rifle and scope picking them off and laughing my ass off the whole time.
  2. So this is a condemnation of ALL Republicans? 🙄
  3. Absolutely it does. If he chased them he now becomes the aggressor which, in my mind, greatly reduces the self defense argument.
  4. Of course not. How did he end up in the street is he was there to protect a business?
  5. Again I don’t know all the facts but how did he end up in the street? Was he dragged there or did he go there on his own volition? If he was there to protect the business I have no idea what he was doing in the street. Was he in a defensive or an offensive position in the street? Did he go after them?
  6. I have not watched the videos that much. But what drew him away from his defensive stand in front of the business he was protecting to in the middle of the street with his weapon?
  7. My question is incredibly germane. If he was there to protect a business was he acting in an offensive manner by being in the street instead of in front of the business he was protecting? I'm playing a huge devil's advocate here. It's what I do.
  8. Green Egg Day. @Gugny 😇
  9. Was the business he was there to protect in the street? I'm not even going to address your second point because it is not at all germane to the conversation. Sorry but I get pissed off when people ole my questions. It absolutely matters why he was there. What was his intent for being there and how the correlates (or not) with the fact he shot people in the street.
  10. No I think someone who has not been tainted by the opinion pieces from both sides discussing this is just what is needed. Ok someone....why was he is Kenosha? Answer the damn question. It's very simple. Did he react to the fight in an offensive or a defensive mode?
  11. Again why was he there? And I mean in Kenosha not the street.
  12. Kiss and Brownsville Station and the Niagara Fall Convention Center April 14th 1976 the day after my 15th birthday. We left the Batavia area around 10am and spent the day in the parking lot of the convention center smoking cigarettes and other things. We listened to Kiss's sound check through the doors. When the doors opened we rushed in and were about 5-10 feet from the stage. Brownsville Station put on a great show. Then between them and Kiss it began to get real crowded up front. I mean REAL crowded. It was scary as *****. So we bailed and went to the bleachers. We watched them pulling people from the in front of the stage during the whole show. The tragedy in Houston recently reminded me of it. We were driving home and we were lost. I looked out the window and said "what's that? That water??" Yeah it was Lake Ontario.
  13. And where was he those he was there to protect and those he shot when he discharged his weapon?
  14. Let me ask you. Do you think anyone would attempt to confront and disarm someone they saw walking down the street with an AR? I have not followed this too closely because I stopped paying attention to the circus when I was a kid but which confrontation came first? The guy with the skateboard or the guy with the gun?
  15. Tell us you have no idea what a real dictatorship looks like without telling us you don't know what a real dictatorship looks like. Carry on hyperbole boy!
  16. You never answered my question. What happened to all those protests of last summer? I guess those black lives don't matter now they have "their guy" in the WH? What say you Tibs?
  17. I have a huge problem with a kid walking around with a AR-15. Who's to say the Kyle wasn't getting the ***** kicked out of him by others to defend themselves against someone with an AR.
  18. Aren't others, elder and people at risk already protected by their vaccinations/boosters?
  19. I'm not going to comment on the guilt or innocence of Kyle Rittenhouse because I'm torn. But the fact that these ***** destroyed businesses like this "just because" pisses me of like you wouldn't believe. 😡
  20. Well you do have to wonder why here in California refineries have all of a sudden conducted "emergency maintenance" which has pushed our fuel prices to record highs right before the holiday with the highest levels of travel via autos. How dumb do they think we are??
  21. You're comparing a US state to countries in the Middle East and I'm the ignorant one? Holy crap dude. You've lost it. And I have no idea where the racist comment comes from. Carry on Ignoramus Boy!
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