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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. What threat was he facing from Rosenbaum that justified Rittenhouse shooting and killing him?
  2. When I say “get what you deserve” I’m not talking about the legal aspect. I’m talking about getting your head bashed with a skateboard and then claim self defense.
  3. As a matter of fact he told them to peacefully and patriotically let your voices be heard. I guess that part is meaningless.
  4. So those are our options? Mandate a vaccine or give up? Good lord.
  5. Your inclination is very wrong. But go ahead with your assumptions. Add that to your assumption of my vaccination status. Why do you keep begging me to get vaxxed? Maybe if there was a mandate you'd stop with your concern for my health.
  6. Because that's an issue that is near and dear to Americans.
  7. That's my way of saying I had a very accurate assumption of what your motive was here. You still have not answered my question as to why you give two ***** about my vaccination status.
  8. No, you were relatively clear. I think the prosecution loads in the greatest possible conviction knowing they won't likely get it. I think it's a tactic to get at least a lesser charge to stick. I'm not a trial lawyer but I do read Erle Stanley Gardner books. LOL
  9. Not sure if you putting that quantum to first degree murder on me but I never suggested that should be what he is convicted of. Some level of manslaughter or reckless use of a firearm would not surprise me. Of course not. That's not part of the charges. It's what he did with his weapon that could be construed as criminal.
  10. Correct. One person's responsibility is another's stupidity. I'm going stupid. You show up at a riot scene with a loaded AR and get your ***** brains potentially bashed in don't come crying to me by claiming self defense.
  11. You have over 300 posts in a thread about mandating vaccines and a i think it's safe to say a vast majority of them are talking about the value of vaccines. Sorry I put two and two together and came up with you pushing mandates. I posted something douchey? Sorry......I didn't mean to hurt you fragile feelings. Why do you care about my vaccination status?
  12. Funny how many of the "conservatives" here drop their "personal responsibility" mantra so quickly and easily. I don't.
  13. It didn't happen? Was Kyle in the street or not with a loaded weapon? That is a FACT of the case. Can I not make the case that if you walk down the street with a loaded AR you get what you deserve? Brining this upon himself, in my mind, greatly reduces the self defense claim.
  14. So being against a mandating a vaccine makes me a douche. If you like we can also debate the effectiveness of birth control. How many lives have been ruined by unwanted pregnancies? How messed up is the world due to overpopulation. Soooo, shall we mandate birth control? Why do you concern yourself so much with my vaccination status. Do you even know my vaccination status?
  15. Are we under any morale obligation to watch a guy walk down the street with an AR and just ignore it? Sorry dude. It's a debate and this in not a repetitive question. It's the next question in line. Walking down the street with a loaded AR can be looked at as aggressive by some correct?
  16. Was Kyle also part of a mob just one we back/support? 🤔 Dude is acting aggressively and dude’s carrying an AR and I’m “armed” with a skateboard I’m fighting. Just as y’all say those he shot got what was coming to them one could also say Kyle deserves to get his head bashed in with a skateboard. Bad situation all around but I have zero sympathy if that idiot ends up spending his life in prison.
  17. So if he’s the aggressor in the street it matters not because whatever happens he’s acting in self defense? Hmmm I wonder if you’d feel the same if he was worn ANTIFA. And if I run for cover I get shot in the back. I’m fighting! Glad we never found ourselves in a foxhole together. 😉
  18. Wait...that's what he was censured over?? The snowflake parade continues.
  19. We are not here to debate the risks vs rewards of vaccination. It's the need to mandate it or lose your livelihood. But you knew that.
  20. Then change the title so you don't look like the tool that you likely are.
  21. He was there to protect a business. He found himself in the street. I have to go through this thread from last night. However if he found himself in the street he was no longer there to protect businesses he could be (or not) be looked at as the aggressor in this situation. Someone's coming down the street with a AR I myself my take my skateboard to his head in an act of self defense.
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