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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Nah. We are all adults that love to laugh. What??? I just had a Starbucks for the first time in a long time and I MISSED it!?!? WTF!!
  2. But what are the potential positive effects on inflation by raising interest rates? This is what we’re talking about no? Regarding housing. Housing is typically a 12 year cycle. We are 12-13 years into the current cycle. It typically requires a catalyst and rising interest rates may just be that catalyst. I feel very confident that rising interest rates will drop housing prices to the point where homes will be more affordable even with the higher rates. And how about the effect of higher interest rates on retirees on a fixed income. You call me unintelligent but I’ll kick your ass all day in this *****. Carry on clueless boy.
  3. Nice analogy there. 🙄 Arresting him and charging while things were sorted out is how it is and should be done. This was, in my mind anyway, not a clear cut case of self defense.
  4. You have no clue regarding the correlation between money supply and inflation so you? You want to see housing prices drop? Raise interest rates. Now it may be six of one half dozen of the other seeing borrowing becomes more expensive but I willing to bet in the end the drop in home prices will outweigh the cost of borrowing
  5. So you’re cool with someone killing two and wounding another in public just being let go without any charges. Now THAT doesn’t really make any sense.
  6. You discharge your weapon in public you’re going and should get charged. Let the justice system sort it out. As what happened here.
  7. You asked what could Biden do regarding inflation. I gave you several ideas that work. Nothing is perfect but someone with your massive brain power knows this. 🙄
  8. Sorry but he needed to be charged. He discharged his weapon killing two and injuring another.
  9. Screw up everything else? What does this mean in response to my ideas? Allowing the supply chain to recover? How about helping it recover. You think I’m unintelligent? Oh no! You’ve crushed my will to live! 🙄
  10. Justice has spoken. And so ends my devil’s advocacy. 😁
  11. Reminds me of one of my favorite albums from many years ago. But seriously there are plenty of things he can do. If you think he’s powerless to reign in inflation you’re a tool. 1. Roll up his sleeves and work on this supply chain issue. 2. Raise interest rates. This will also reduce home prices and potentially make homes more affordable. 3. Increase bank reserve requirements. 4. Price and wage controls. I’m not too keen on this but if it’s temporary it will help. 5. Tap into our oil reserve and recommend other nations do to 6. Stop spending/printing money. Carry on hand wringing boy.
  12. Create? No. Reduce? We'll see. Leaders do. Followers point fingers. And I'll leave you with this. Everything that happened under Trump was in some way tied to him. Why should things change now?
  13. A few of those cause inflation. I'll let you figure out which ones. Carry on I don't understand economics boy
  14. You bring a loaded weapon and carry it around in the midst of a riot don't come crying self defense to me when you get attacked.
  15. They are pissed she’s being sidelined? Did they not read the job description? Mike Pence wasn’t sidelined for for years he wasn’t even in the stadium. Reports are CNN will conduct the procedure while MSNBC will assist. Hey, they’re already up there so why not. 😏
  16. They have to pass it to see what’s in it. 🙄
  17. Thanks mom. I’ll make my own decisions. Especially seeing no one has really convinced me why other than to protect others. Well if others are vaccinated and boosted they have nothing to worry about right?
  18. Not only would I have a job it would likely be played at our annual awards party to hysterical laughter and raving reviews. I think the left needs to lighten up. But we knew that.
  19. Yes I was wrong but I hope you can understand my assumption as to your mandating vaccines seeing you're incessantly talking about the viability of vaccines in a thread about vaccine mandates no? Now on to your assumptions. Why do you keep telling me to get vaccinated? I don't give a flying flip about side effects. I care about mandates. You lump anti-mandates with anti-vaccine posters based on the highlighted above. Please list the posters here that are anti-vaccine. We'll wait......
  20. First off I don’t blame inflation on the President however if it lasts long I will. But I saw this on LinkedIn. It was captioned as shrinkflation.
  21. We’ll try not to hold that against you. Try…..😁
  22. Because I don’t trust big Pharma and their motivations.
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