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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I would do nothing if there was a sex offender on the board. That was your original scenario so that's the one I'm discussing. If you wish to restate your question I'd be more that happy to revise it. As of now I'm sticking with my do nothing. Should I do something if we have a convicted felon here? How about someone with a DUI? They pick their nose? Enquiring minds want to know. Carry on confused boy.....
  2. @Tiberius Well what do you know....... https://www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/statements-releases/2021/11/23/president-biden-announces-release-from-the-strategic-petroleum-reserve-as-part-of-ongoing-efforts-to-lower-prices-and-address-lack-of-supply-around-the-world/
  3. So now it’s a “child” sex offender who jokes about underage sex? Anything else you want to add/change regarding your question?
  4. Threatening you? Well seeing I have no idea where you are and don’t care that much about you it’s hardly a threat. 🙄 Does this old man scare you? 👻 Boo!
  5. What would you expect me to do? I assume you mean a registered sex offender. As long as they’re no longer committing offenses that I’m aware of. What would you do?
  6. Yeah your type. Watch your back. It’s really not that hard to figure out. 😏
  7. So you’re here to make fun of people? Got it. Carry on Trollmeister.
  8. It's called a debate. Point out the flaws in his points. But no, you resort to name calling. Carry on Troll..........
  9. Living to the end of the week is also touch and go for your type. Watch your back. I typed slower this time so you could understand.
  10. In reading bullet point three I’m shocked to learn you’re a Republican.
  11. Well smack her and tell her to get it done! You are talking about the dirty dishes in the sink right? Happy Belated!
  12. They’re afraid. Rittenhouse has sure calmed the waters. 🙄
  13. My wife and I are moving to Indio (near Palm Springs) in January. She retires and I semi-retire. We bought the retirement home in 2019 and for about a year we leased it back to the builder. We then put in a pool and have AirBnB'd it for most of this year. Anyway we've visited many times the past couple years and our favorite place is Big Rock Pub. We stopped in yesterday and was surprised to see it is where the local Bills Backers meet. We showed up mid-way through the 3rd. I had no idea of the score and didn't care. I texted my siblings to tell them about the BB Club. My sister said "did you see the score?" Whoa...... Being oblivious to the Bills is a wonderful thing. Y'all should try it sometime. Sunday's are ***** amazing!!
  14. Define my safe space Billy Boy. What and where is that?
  15. I was a good little disobeyer. I never wore a mask everywhere even when I was required to unless I was vaccinated. No one asked so ***** off. Oh....I didn't get sick or die in case you couldn't tell.
  16. That is called debate. Yours is called a sad pathetic trolling life. Most everyone here has either: 1. Put you on ignore 2. Laughs at you 3. Feels sorry for you. And you're completely oblivious to it.
  17. If this is why you’re here (and you’ve made this quite apparent for a long time) it’s a pretty solid admission that your life is sad and pathetic. Carry on Troll Boy.
  18. For an irrelevant cult you sure do spend a lot of you time on them. 😂😂😂 Carry on Cult Lover Boy.
  19. Here’s a case to study. 100% of all Gibraltar citizens who are able to be vaccinated have been. Cases have “exploded!” VACCINES WORK DAMMIT!! https://www.riotimesonline.com/brazil-news/modern-day-censorship/in-gibraltar-100-of-adults-are-fully-vaccinated-against-covid-19-and-yet-new-cases-are-exploding/amp/
  20. Key word in all of this? CONTROL. Take care of what you control and do NOT force these decisions on others. BTW the herd needed (and still needs) some culling.
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