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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Prices are higher in CA because they charge more. Well now isn't that some deep investigative work. Notice they (I know she didn't write that) didn't say anything about CA having some of (if not the) highest has taxes in the country.
  2. More deaths?!?! Hey lefties! How is this possible? And we've have a vaccine pretty much during the nearly full year of his Presidency. Where is the anger towards Biden that you had towards Trump with regard to the number of deaths? If you do not display the same anger I assume you're all hypocrites? Here's an oldie but a goodie BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!!!
  3. This silly cartoon is extremely accurate. While many liberal have gone off the rails to the woke left, conservatives have pretty much stayed the same. Can you list the conservative values you find funny.
  4. Seeing the screenshot is hard to read I wanted to copy and paste it here. I highlighted the part in the email that made me laugh. Gotta love our government. Dear Jim: Thank you for writing to share your concerns regarding gasoline prices. I appreciate the time you took to write, and I welcome the opportunity to respond. I understand the frustration that many Californians have with spikes in gasoline prices, as well as the difficulties these high prices bring to everyday life. Please know that I have consistently advocated for more oversight of the gasoline market. The American Automobile Association tracks retail gasoline price and, according to their estimates, Californians pay over $1.00 per gallon more than the national average. Because of this disparity, Governor Gavin Newsom directed the California Energy Commission to perform an analysis of the state’s gas prices, which found that “the primary cause of the residual price increase is simply that California’s retail gasoline outlets are charging higher prices.” In response, Governor Newsom wrote to the California Attorney General requesting an investigation into the high prices, and in May 2020, the California Department of Justice filed a lawsuit against the oil companies Vitol and SK Energy Americas for price gouging California gas customers. UC Berkeley researchers believe that from February 2015 to October 2018, the alleged price gouging cost California residents more than $17 billion, equivalent to about $1,700 for a family of four. I share your concerns about the burden of high gas prices on hard-working Americans. I will be sure to keep your concerns in mind as I continue to monitor this situation closely. Once again, thank you for writing. Should you have any other questions or comments, please call my Washington, D.C., office at (202) 224-3841 or visit my website at feinstein.senate.gov. You can also follow me online at YouTube, Facebook, and Twitter. Best regards.
  5. Well I finally heard back from one of the CA politicians i emailed regarding our gas prices. So the conclusion is our prices are higher because we charge more. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  6. Some of Trump's biggest critics were also some of his biggest fans. If you paid attention you'd know this.
  7. Alternative? Let nature run her course. Well then there is probably not a snowballs chance in hell you’ve heard of where I’m from. Get out, take a drive, enjoy the countryside.
  8. Then get your own individual coverage and get medically underwritten. But don’t B word to us when your premiums potentially go up from what you’re likely paying in your group plan. Again sounds like you don’t understand how this works.
  9. And it also displays his lack of how group health insurance works. So he’s suggesting medical underwriting? The ACA pretty much did away with that
  10. Yes. That is the one word I read and pretty much stopped. HIS. That and he started a thread to put his indignation on display.
  11. Do you call out smokers, alcoholics, self-induced diabetics and obese people for increasing your insurance premiums and call for health insurance exclusions or do you save this indignation only those who have, for whatever reason, not gotten vaccinated?
  12. Because of the small amount of the reserves released it will have very little effect on inflation. But at least he did something. Do you agree or not with opening some of our strategic reserves? Why do you think natural gas futures went up?
  13. It's a move. My suggestion was he do something/anything. He did something and that something was one of my suggestions. Time will tell if it's enough. And yes, I absolutely understand how things work.
  14. Yes you're come across as a biggot. Do you treat all older people this way or do you just not like me? Which is it? What pedo question am I avoiding? You asked what we'd do if there was a sex offender on the board. I answered. Unless of course you want to admit you omitted a key component of your original question.
  15. What am I dodging? I answered your question as presented. Care to move the goal posts further?
  16. Walk back? That was my contention all along young boy. People like you (A-holes/Trolls/biggots) often get their comeuppance. Seeing I have no idea who/where you are that won't come from me. Just watch your back.
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