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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. It sure is. Your Christmas card tweet which appears to have been deleted? EDIT: re @B-Man Oh my. Is that the card Billsy shared as if it was real? Now that's real ***** embarrassing.
  2. Everyone: Please do not do this interview! It's could likely be the worst career move EVER! Alec: Will there be cameras? Everyone: Well of course Alec: I'm in!!
  3. So what are you suggesting? This is sick? Why? You think the Founding Fathers would have a problem with this? They likely would have loved it.
  4. He plays make believe for a living. Of course he doesn’t believe he did anything. He’s probably waiting for the director to say “cut” so she can wake up. 🙄
  5. And brain dead woke supremacists think this is a way to solve the problem. We’ll learn it out if them.
  6. Do you honestly not think white people are being passed up for jobs/promotions because of how corporate America is being "asked" to be more diverse? As reddogblitz brought up. Kamala was chosen as VP only because of the color of her skin (and her gender). Could you imagine if Trump said "I'm choosing a white woman as my running mate"? Yeah there's no discrimination against whites in this country. 🙄
  7. Omicron will be omnipresent and I couldn’t care less. Oh no!! It’s the flu!!
  8. What happened? Too stoned to get it aired on time. 😁 Hope all is well Bob!
  9. He's confused again. He's confusing it with the amount of time he spent out of his cellar during the 2020 election campaign.
  10. Good job cherry picking your data Billy Boy.
  11. New drinking game. Take another shot every time they tell us to take another shot.
  12. Gee I wonder why it's gone up. Hmmmmm.............. What are your thoughts about the job report from today.
  13. So people going back to work after the lockdowns is considered job CREATION. I hate politicians.....in case I've not mentioned it often enough. And isn't the holiday season when jobs (many temporary) ramp up? Stories from the trenches. One of the firms we deal with has had incredible challenges with hold wait times. We had a meeting with them yesterday and brought that up. They said they have 80 customer service jobs posted as available with few people taking them.
  14. From the necessity is a mother files https://thehill.com/changing-america/well-being/prevention-cures/584189-man-caught-trying-to-use-fake-arm-to-get-vaccine?amp
  15. So we have MORE deaths because of lower than needed vaccinations? How many people were vaccinated in 2020? I’ll give you a clue. It’s a round number. Delta = highly contagious but higher death rates. Deaths 2020 all on Trump Deaths 2021 not in Biden at all? Do you NOT see the issue here? EDIT: I was one that laid some of the blame in 2020 on Trump. Many on the right did. I’ve seen none on the left giving any culpability to Biden.
  16. Please list where you’ve arrived at this. And CNN, MSNBC et Al links will not convince me. Give me your own list. There’s one. There are dozens and dozens of examples of the left going off the cliff.
  17. So someone who wandered around the desert wearing a robe and sandals who never worked a day in his life was a liberal? Yeah that sounds about right.
  18. But I didn't think it was the variant's fault? I thought it was the President's fault. At least that was my understanding last year.
  19. There is no God so who cares what Trump does. Why does every conversation here end up being about Trump? Get over it guys.
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