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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. We’re following the advice of the drug dealers dudes.
  2. I’ll give @The Poojer credit. He posted this on FB
  3. It's absolutely an honest response. This thread was posted immediately after the Bills loss to the Pats. Soooooo the Pats (Belichick) came in with a game plan built around the weather and beat the Bills? So what's the response? Spend billions of taxpayer money (this is still a political forum right?) because of one game? This thread was not started to discuss whether the Bills need a dome or not it was likely started by a pissed fan who watched his team get beat and blamed the weather. In case you've not noticed the OP has not contributed to this thread since they make their OP.
  4. Seriously?? You have a hell of a lot more faith in the R's than I do. They'll probably run on Biden being old and senile. Great........
  5. Proud of it? Me? Who still watches every game? Me or you? I'll give you a hint. I rarely have no clue who they are even playing every given week So you hate the Patriots who cheat but you (I assume) love the Bills who also cheat. You sound confused.
  6. Bills/Raiders playoff 1994. -35 wind chill. When I left LA to go to the game it was 80 degrees. My sister almost died that day. LOL https://www.buffalobills.com/video/jan-15-1994-coldest-home-game-vs-raiders-13191604 You're not an old fart.
  7. It's a lot more economical to the residents of WNY. EDIT: BTW what ever happened to the poor weather being a plus for the Bills. I'm old enough to remember when no one wanted to go through Buffalo in the playoffs in Dec/Jan.
  8. Roll your eyes all you want @ExiledInIllinois I can smell a liar a million miles away. And if you're not lying you're delusional. This from a book I'm reading. SUMMARY: In his book "Ineffective Habits of Financial Advisors", former Buffalo Bills special teams coach John Steven Moore had this to say: "The wind can blow hard off of Lake Erie. It blows easterly, swooping over the left rim of Buffalo's Ralph Wilson Stadium, down to the field and then back up over the luxury suites on the right. It can swirl and have a modest impact on the outcome of a football game. You can't control the wind, but you can use it to your advantage -- make it an opportunity." "I was the special teams coach for the Buffalo Bills in the early 1980s. In our pregame warm-up, as we prepared to play the New England Patriots, the wind was blowing hard. I figured we could create a wind tunnel if we opened the east-side tunnel door of the stadium when New England was kicking against the wind. I worked with our equipment managers and told them, on my signal, to open the doors. Thinking back about it, I do feel a little bad for the New England punter. On his first punt against the wind, the ball came off his foot nicely, but then the wind puntied it right back at him. In a game with dozens of consequential plays, sometimes it's just one that can make a big difference. I used the wind to our advantage. We won the game and that's why I only feel a little bad." They all cheat dude. You're just pissed because the Patriots are better at it. https://yourteamcheats.com/BUF Read my post above. You have no honor or shame that your team cheats like all the rest. Shame we dropped the bomb on Japan? You do realize we were leveling their cities prior. Just in a much slower motion.
  9. BULLSH***! You would be so proud of this team with more SB wins than any other team.
  10. The easiest way to determine if this is jealousy or hatred. One question and I want you to answer honestly. If the Bills had the same exact success with the same program and the same players and coaches would you feel the same way about them or would you be one of the proudest fans in the sport. I'll give you my answer. Hell yeah!! If you ain't cheating you ain't tryin'. I don't care if my QB is a whiner. Bring home with W's dude!!
  11. That’s the most accurate part of my post. LOL You hate them due to your jealousy. I’m not a psychologist but I stayed in a Holiday Inn Express last night. Who would not be jealous of the fans of that team?
  12. Bold? No....brilliant. You all are still pissed that it wasn't Brady that had the Bills number it's Belichick. He's kicked the how many Bills' coachs' asses over the years? And the jealousy train rolls on and on.
  13. Sooooo you build a team around a superior passing game and you are confused when they get beat in bad weather by a team that threw what, 3 passes? Dude I may not be following this team but I know the ***** game inside and out. Wait....there is wind in WNY this time of year? Why did the Kelly Bills do so well? An incredible balance of run/pass and build for the weather. When your QB is your #2 rusher (and not by much) for the year you have a major problem. Build the dome then build a team around the passing game. In the meantime....... Belichick is an incredible coach. Something the Bills have not had in decades. And it bugs the ***** out of you guys as it should.
  14. I was reading about the attack last week. I didn't know that on that day the IJN not only attacked Pearl Harbor but they also attacked the Philippines, Hong Kong, and other strategic areas of SE Asia. Very bold...too bold.
  15. I didn't watch the game but correct me if I'm wrong. Didn't BOTH teams play in ***** weather last night. BTW last night is reason 1,373 why I no longer care. Sorry guys but you're being hoodwinked again.
  16. As long as the Republicans run someone who just points his finger at this ***** show and says "do you want that?" Unfortunately they likely won't. I have hopes that DeSantis would be the nominee. He can point to FL and places like CA/OR/NY and just say "do you want this or that?" Your choice. If it was presented that simply it would be very interesting to see how it is received by the electorate.
  17. Moderate? Nah just laughing at the forum dolt. And you have no clue what you're talking about regarding "my safe place". That line alone makes you a massive fool. Carry on Court Jester. You make me laugh.
  18. You do realize that's how Trump got voted out of office right? It's may not be the leader's fault something happened but it's the leader's job to either fix it or assure the public all is well. He's done neither.
  19. I know this has been a trend with him for a long time but what is the point of the Golda Meir story? In what context did he bring it up? Is he just trying to name drop? If that's the case it's pretty pathetic.
  20. What? Dude are you ***** tone deaf? Crying?? I’m hysterically laughing my ass off at you. Carry on HLS (hook/line/sinker) Boy
  21. Ring leader? Get the heck out of here? You fell for a fake Trump Christmas card. Hook Line Sinker. The true definition of a partisan tool. ***** hilarious. CRT? Are you lost again Billy Boy? You sure seem lost. At least we’re “outraged” by reality. Not fake Christmas cards. Bwahahahahaha!! I suggest you put the Twitter down Carry on Twit For Brains.
  22. I don't agree with that. It's not easy to just pack up and travel to a state that allows them. If you're state outlaws abortion (and I disagree with outlawing them) you move to a state that allows them.
  23. You should be. You're so ***** quick to jump on anything anti-Trump you just go with it. This was not at all along the lines of what B-Man posts. You got ***** hoodwinked and it's funny as hell. Carry on TDS Boy.
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