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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So when are those that jumped to conclusions (I’m being kind here) giving us their mea culpa? What say you @BillStime
  2. You have no idea what you’re talking and you keep digging your “I’m a fool” hole. Carry on Jester.
  3. Where’s this safe space you are trying to send me back to? If questions make me tough then you truly are the weakling we all assumed you are. Carry on weak boy. He may understand demographics from a static perspective. He likely doesn’t understand where the demographics are heading.
  4. Their coffee sucks. Get a Nespresso machine and have the best coffee out there for $1.10 a cup and you don't even have to put pants on if you don't want to. Sheeeeeeeeeeple.
  5. I don't have a Christmas Tree. Where is this safe place Billy Boy? I keep asking you keep not answering. Why?
  6. No that wouldn't be more cringe-worthy. Depending on how she said it, in the context of her acceptance speech redo, it might have been good.
  7. You're post are boring as *****. Knocking you around like the sock puppet you are is fun. Where is this safe place Billy Boy? Not that I need to be safe. I'm just curious.
  8. Delusional? Ignorant? Lawyers, guns and money are EXACTLY why not one of these accusations have stuck on Donny. Maybe someday you'll learn how the rich get and stay rich. Until then... Carry on Poor Boy.
  9. Consistent? You're pathetically boring. You are laughed at constantly here but you, for whatever reason, wear that as a badge of honor. Why do you relish in being treated like the childish tool you are? Yeah....you're aware alright. 🙄 And talk about repetition. What is the safe place you talk about incessantly? Please elaborate. I've asked you several times what you mean by this but you constantly ignore it?
  10. Holy ***** hell. Look at who's pointing the finger at others for spewing repetitious posts. And the lack of self awareness award of the year goes to........................
  11. Sorry but Trump is the one with lawyers, guns and money. This is going to be fun to watch.
  12. When the best lawyers money can buy go up against idiot politicians who never held a real job in their life? Break out the popcorn kids.
  13. What the *****. What kind of parents would allow this to happen? We've become soft as butter in the summer sun and it sickens me.
  14. A racist GOP. Bwahahahahahahaha!! Carry on Feelz Boy!
  15. Thanks for bumping this thread. Not for the stupid topic but to see a lot of old names who have not been around in a long time.
  16. Yeah.....like they're going to have to ever be concerned about needing an abortion pill.
  17. How about we focus on the root cause. You know what that is don't you?
  18. Great point. What about some major sanctions against Mexico? It does work.
  19. I talk to lots of folks all the time. They almost all talk about inflation. That has not been a topic of conversation/concern in decades.
  20. Dude. I didn't have to jump through any of these hoops or do any googling to know this exactly what happened. They removed Dems who happen to be black not blacks that happen to be Dems. A wise man once said "elections have consequences." Tools gonna tool. Right @BillStime
  21. Step One ✔️ https://reason.com/2020/10/10/berkeley-bans-so-called-junk-food-from-checkout-aisles/#:~:text=Last month%2C Berkeley%2C California%2C,phase in starting in 2022.
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