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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Put him on ignore. Then you can pick and choose which comment of his you want to actually open and read.
  2. Dumbass thinks his home has been burglarized so he wanders around outside at night with a rifle. What was he planning on doing with his rifle outside?
  3. So a quick skim of that and Taibbi said there was no government involvement in the laptop story?
  4. Good guy? Nope. Sounds like a dumbass.
  5. What BS are they tired of my friend?
  6. Are you lost again?
  7. Oh now you're all for values. But here's the thing which you lack of critical thinking people don't get. My values differ from yours and when one party (Dem or GOP) pushes their values on me/you through legislation it's a huge problem. Just leave us alone.
  8. Comment? See those squiggly things after my sentences? Two more here.
  9. An extreme vocal minority? Yeah you’ve got blinders on. Move to Norway. The comparison between the US and Scandinavia is absurd. Lower taxes? By spending like they have been. You don’t understand fiscal policy real well do you.
  10. As usual? How many is those 17 instances was he making fun of a stroke victim?
  11. Easy breezy. Don’t go all Carl Jung on him. It will confuse him.
  12. Do I honestly believe that the right is any crazier than the left? Of course I don’t honestly believe that. The fact that you do is ***** pathetically hilarious. Carry on blinders boy. 👍🏻
  13. Hate example number 19 And I don't think I need to talk for Doc here but I will. He's not making fun of a stroke victim. He's making fun of those who voted for a stroke victim.
  14. A few vs hundreds of thousands? And that's not what I was referring to but you're doing a great job making my point.
  15. I'll take that bet. Now get to work.
  16. I’m no scientist nor did I stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night but I think it’s safe to say cold and flu season is stronger in the winter because we’re inside together. Maybe I can get a $10m federal grant to study this.
  17. And there it is. Wear a mask forever. Thanks but no thanks. I’ll “take my chances” on catching a cold. As a matter of fact I had one two weeks ago and lived to tell about it. Where was this? You mean there are still places that mandate masks? And I don’t ever remember hearing of an N-95 being required.
  18. How many people died of thirst in line while trying to vote?
  19. This is ***** crazy. As of last look over 3,000,000 votes counted and only 800 separate the two!
  20. Then it wasn’t his loan to hide was it @BillStime
  21. And this post is what's ***** wrong with this country.
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