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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I never said it took time or was inconvenient. Getting boosted is not living your life as usual and if you get this one how many more will you be lining up for at the insistence of the government and the media?
  2. Come to the dark side. No Bills or Covid boosters for me!
  3. Getting a booster shot is, in my mind, not living your life as usual.
  4. I stopped fearing Covid a long time ago. Not because of too many alarms (false or real). It’s because I don’t go through life in fear of getting the flu. Especially with this new variant that in your previous post mentioned has not killed anyone. Let that sink in. No deaths in the world from a variant that had been around for almost a month. No you’re not.
  5. I see. So you’re assuming and you FEEL that the past drives the current situation. I have facts you have feelz. Come back with proof of the law targeting black peoples. Until then…… Carry on.
  6. I never owned a gun either. Then we moved to Oakland and our house was broken in to. We immediately got two guns. @BillStime for some reasons thinks I own them to make me macho. I bought them because my wife insisted because she didn’t feel safe. He, as usual, is wrong
  7. Until you provide us definitive proof that this law was done for anything other than political purposes you're coming off as either a) disingenuous with your "argument" b) an outright liar or c) a political hack/tool. So, seeing you have no definitive proof pick one. You can go with your feelz all day but feelz don't win arguments, facts do. I have facts on my side. You have none. And again for, as my mom would say, the umteenth time. What is the safe space you talk about? This the only message board I post on. So, because of that, your incessant rant of telling me to go back makes you look like a total fool and a huge crybaby. Carry on Baby Huey.
  8. They put in people who have different ideals from you. You’re the one that sees color. Only black people vote on Sunday? You’re the one coming off as the racist here.
  9. Ha! You’re telling me to step away when you freak out I sarcastically allude to the lyrics of a song. 😂😂😂😂😂😂
  10. Why should I go back? Does my incessant pointing out your poor/childish/immature posts with very little substance bother you? Awwww I’m so sorry. BTW I still don’t know where I’m supposed to be going back to.
  11. I thought this was that you may have Covid. Missed the part about the booster. I've not heard of anyone getting sick like that from the booster. That sucks. We have our differences but feel better man! My doctor recommended the shingles vax for me. Then I told him I had shingles a few years ago. He said then I really should get the vax. Here was the conversation with my doctor several years ago when I had shingles. Dr <looking at the back of my neck where the sores were: Oh I'm sorry......... Me: What??? Dr: You have shingles Me: Yeah that's what I thought Dr: I'll prescribe some Vicodin for the pain Me: Woohoo.....I mean crap!
  12. From the kitchen: Hey! Can we wrap up the seats in the ***** parking lot now? We’re dying here!
  13. Regardless of the sentence there will be at least one “if he were white……”.
  14. Even if they don't improve if there was some sign of leadership in DC (from either party) they wouldn't have to worry. I hope people realize that ***** happens and it takes a good leader to "calm the troops" in times like these. Trump didn't do it and look where he is now. 7% inflation is as good as it gets? Take your blinders off. Swimmingly. When I talk to people, and I talk to a lot of them about this *****, they aren't talking levels of employment. They are talking taxes and......INFLATION.
  15. Laws are always put in place for a reason. This one was 100% political (GASP) and 0% racial.
  16. Good lord dude. You're life must really suck if this is what you occupy your time with.
  17. He's not POTUS because he lost the election. Lawyers don't decide that the electorate does. In my mind he lost fair and square. The fact you have no clue that I felt that way just shows how big a fool you are. You just assume ***** don't you. Like the fact you assume I have some special safe place. Lawyers, Guns and Money. Relax Billy Boy. You got your boy in the WH. You can put the Trump derangement away. I suggest you step away from the computer and get some air Billy Boy. BTW show us where Trump is a fraud. We'll wait.
  18. How have I been conned? Making room on your mantle yet for your award?
  19. Oh no!! 😱😱 Elections have consequences right? So now it has nothing to do with race?? You want me to bring it up with Reuters? Jim Crow? Where please. And you say I’ve been conned? 😂😂 Hook….line….sinker. Whoa nellie!! Billy Boy giving someone crap about not answering simple questions?
  20. Mea culpa coming soon? And I’m the fool. 😂😂😂
  21. Couple things of note from that article. FTA: They are blaming Conservative media machine?? 😂😂😂 What I didn’t see in the article is what exactly the Biden Administration had done specifically to create this other than “being there”. When you are at the rock bottom heading up is easy.
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