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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The one place I don't ever want to wear a mask again was the gym. My wife went to the gym this morning and asked the attendant about the mask mandate starting tomorrow. He had no idea what she was talking about. Good job getting the word out Grewsom.
  2. How do you feel about mandatory masks? It starts tomorrow so get ready. And it’s in place for 30 days?? WTF is that supposed to accomplish? So much for the great reopening pretty boy Gavin so giddily announced this past summer.
  3. Well you can stick this where the sun don’t shine. https://www.ksbw.com/amp/article/california-statewide-indoor-mask-mandate/38507018
  4. That’s all I deserve?? Fair enough. Now explain why all your other posts not directed at me contain…. No ideas No thoughts No adult insights Only silly childish memes and name calling ??? It ain’t just me.
  5. That's all you got. No ideas, no thoughts, no adult insights. Just silly childish memes and name calling.
  6. You're talking about children going to school with tears in their eyes but I'm hysterical. Ooookay. LOL!! Yes, you said nothing about the impact. I'm asking for your thoughts on what the impact will be. So I guess you have none. If you don't then what's the point? I don't give a flying ***** about you respecting my opinion. I'm always searching for your thought process regarding your opinions. Hence all the questions I ask. You refuse to answer them because you know that they will reveal the reasoning you have behind your opinions are based 100% in feelings not facts. This is why I ask them and you never answer them. So because you disagree with my opinions you do not respect them. Well that's ***** pathetic and childish Enjoy your stay at the kid's table. I'll be over here with the adults. Later dude......
  7. Oh stop with the ***** hysterics. And you call me a Karen. LOL This has nothing to do with little children and everything to do with Newsom's proposal that YOU brought up. So how will Newsom's proposal reduce gun violence in CA? If you cannot answer that question I suggest you either put me on ignore or you stop responding to me because I'm going to bring it up incessantly until you have an adult discussion regarding this important topic.
  8. It's not so much that he lied more his lies were meaner.
  9. I cheer on Abbott? I don't even know who the ***** Noem is?? So not sure why you're brining other people into this. This isn't about them. It's about Newsom and the state of my residence. Assault weapons ain't the problem Billy Boy. The government and the media want you to think they are but they are waaaaaay down the list of weapons used in the commission of violent crimes. Back to the debate. I'll stick with the easy one. How is this legislation proposed by Newsom going to reduce gun violence here in CA?
  10. I've already given you my ideas of what gun legislation needs to be changed here in California. This ain't it. This is not any meaningful gun legislation and if you think it's going to do ANYTHING to reduce gun violence in CA you're dumber that I thought. It's a childish move by a childish governor. It's only going to benefit the lawyers. So....let's debate the issue. In your mind how will this reduce the gun violence here in California? What percentage of gun violence in California was committed using a) assault rifles or b) a gun built with a ghost gun kit? Do you have any idea? Aaaaaaaand GO!
  11. Ya gotta love the childish/immature “oh yeah?!?” legislation. Please explain how this will do anything to curb gun violence here in CA. I’ll save you time. It won’t do a damn thing other than clog up the courts. Bravo indeed. 🙄
  12. As some of you know I do financial planning. Number one focus being, of course, retirement. My wife retires next week and I go very part time. What I wanted to focus on for people is not the financial aspect of retirement but the emotional part. The “you’ve retired….now what?” question. Thinking of podcasting it. 🤔
  13. In LA they’ve taken the teeth out of the judicial system and we see the results today. With things like no bail (bye bye suckers!! I’m off to commit more crimes!) and increasing the amount for a crime to be anything more than a misdemeanor you quickly see the results. LA County is a mess.
  14. Research? What are you researching? Aren’t these ideas that the law is Jim Crow on steroids your own? Now isn’t this a rich cop out. Research. 😂😂😂
  15. No….WNY chose me. I’ve not lived there full time since I went to college in 1979. I’ve been on this board for over 20 years.
  16. I don’t watch the games and I also don’t drink. Correlation or causation? 🤔
  17. So do we have you on record laughing at allegations of sexual misconduct with underage girls? Some as young as 9 years old?
  18. I said I never stood in line to vote to demonstrate one does not have to. If people choose to and B word because the line is long that's on them no? So in your tiny mind lines are racists? Bwahahahaha!! Funny you call me Karen but you want to shoo me on to another site (and what, pray tell, is this site you're talking about?). Hmmmm sounds like you're calling the wrong person Karen. Carry on confused boy............. Oh no....I was TOLD! Yes I was and you what you told me had nothing to do with Jim Crow. As a matter of fact it was one of the most egregious hoaxes ever posted here. So egregious as a matter of fact you're too chicken to even repost it. Carry on Hoaxmeister!
  19. Here is the best part. This is the main reason I love Trump. 😍
  20. If you want me to go back to this mythical safe place can you please tell me where it is. I'm intrigued.
  21. Go back? Where? Why don't you like me here Billy? Does it upset you I point out constantly that you're wrong. What makes the GA Law racists? For how long and how many times have I asked you and @SectionC3 what makes it racist to no good answers. His was "they don't allow food and drink in the polling lines." That is one of the dumbest things I've heard and shows he know nothing about Jim Crow. Soooo, back to you. What makes the GA Bill racist? It should be easy for you to answer no? You've banged the "GA is racist" drum for quite some time. Questions, questions everywhere and not a drop of answers to be had. Carry on Colonel Sanders.
  22. You're comparing your obsession with people's obsession to Hillary? Delusional much? Wait never mind. Delusional 24/7 Carry on Delusionist.
  23. Well of course they’ll kill you before Covid. There is no vaccine or booster for Bills losses. 😁
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