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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Horrific intrusion on my freedoms? Good lord dude. Where the ***** did that come from?? Now back to my question you so conveniently sidestepped. Why do you feel masking up children is necessary?
  2. Libertarian? No. A hard libertarian? ***** no? So in your mind too much government control = hard core libertarian??
  3. Because we're just a "little" pissed at the government control of our lives. But if you're ok with being told what to do by your Motherment so be it.
  4. Because they are 100% unnecessary and it does hinder learning. Why do you feel that it's necessary?
  5. How is it his fault? And who said anything about UNABLE to learn??
  6. I am a huge proponent of going to the source. Please, regale us with stories of current day Jim Crow. So your refusal to tell us what makes the GA law Jim Crow on steroids leads me to the only conclusion that makes sense. It was a stupid remark and you're too embarrassed to tell us what it was. You did already bring up the water in line thing which is soooooo ***** stupid to compare to Jim Crow I don't even know what to say.
  7. This is one of the sicker things I've read. ***** should be locked up forever.
  8. What's changed? Check the dates on these. https://time.com/5107984/hospitals-handling-burden-flu-patients/ https://www.healio.com/news/infectious-disease/20190205/bad-flu-seasons-test-us-hospitals https://www.fresnobee.com/news/local/article125967144.html https://www.daytondailynews.com/lifestyles/health/local-hospitals-ask-flu-patients-stay-away/I5jeXotxyNmHmZDIxgGHgI/ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/248975.stm You're being whipped up into a frenzy over something that happens every ***** year!!
  9. Wait for the howling to start soon regarding folks being required to start paying their student loans back. Oh the horror!!
  10. Sure except why people are extremely disingenuous regarding their arguments. You know like people saying they're too busy (lazy or wrong) to "research their own thoughts!" That, my friend, was one of the more hilarious cop outs I've heard here in a very long time.
  11. To be fair had he not held the rally what happened at the Capitol that day would not have happened. Now, does that make him responsible for what happened? In my mind no. As a conservative I'm all for personal responsibility and those that entered the Capitol that day are the only ones responsible for their actions. Trump never told them to do anything but march peacefully!! Do you see that word lefties? PEACEFULLY! No code words, no white supremacist hand signals......PEACEFULLY!!
  12. You're talking Trump in 2021 or the Dems from 2017-2020? Just looking for clarification.
  13. So let me get this straight. Our power grid is ***** up and because of that we get rolling blackouts but can't use portable generators for when YOU shut off our power? Will they not deliver?? https://www.amazon.com/iPower-SUA12000E-000-Watt-Gasoline-Generator/dp/B00HVF3JGO/ref=sr_1_4?crid=1ZBG45LZ4RJWO&keywords=gas+generators+for+home+use&qid=1639516975&sprefix=gas+generator%2Caps%2C281&sr=8-4
  14. So you're good with what the dems did for 4 years to try to remove a duly elected POTUS? What comes around goes around sir! Take off your political blunders. Please don't be a hypocrite. You do realize that both sides are experts at this right?
  15. I’m prepared thank you for your concern….whoever you are.
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