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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The government’s duty? MY duty. I have no children but you want ME to foot YOUR bills for YOUR children?
  2. So you admit to trolling. Isn’t that against the TOS??
  3. Let me translate. I totally ***** up this thread so let me change the subject. Delete the damn thing and save what little face you have left. 🙄
  4. Like when the drop taxes to a level they were a few years ago and call it a tax cut . Never mind....found it. https://wvpolicy.org/data-released-today-shows-west-virginia-had-6th-highest-poverty-rate-in-the-country-even-before-covid-hardship-more-relief-needed/ You were sooooo close.
  5. Good. Can't afford them, don't have them. Don't expect me to financially support your poor decisions. Link?
  6. You said he had 4 years to fix it. So ACA is broken? Why is it broken? What’s wrong with it?
  7. Hockey teams decimated by the flu......... https://www.nhl.com/news/struggling-hurricanes-fighting-toughest-foe-yet-the-flu/c-349972 Check the date. We've been here before. It's the ***** flu.
  8. Soooo based on that logic last year when we had now many people vaccinated? Yes...it's a round number. We should have had a ***** ton (that is a medical term) more deaths riiiiiight??
  9. I had been saying all along during the ACA debates that ACA didn't even come close to addressing the problem. And don't get me started on Medicare.......😡 I'm semi-retiring next month. My comp will only be one paycheck a month. We switched carriers and they deduct premiums two paychecks not one. So they will have to invoice me every month and I'll have to pay that second premium by check or hopefully ACH. If for some reason I miss one premium they dump me and I have zero insurance until open enrollment. What a mess that is. I told the firm I am likely not the only person only getting comp one paycheck a month. They said they are looking into a "fix". You mean you didn't think of this?
  10. Laughing in the playground Gets no kicks from little boys Would rather make it with a letching gray, yeah Or maybe her attention is drawn by aqualung Who watches through the railings as they play
  11. Should I start a Franklin Pierce was unfit for the job thread? He was horrible!!
  12. Our Democracy disappeared on 1/6. Dutch democracy is now.
  13. I have a Dutch friend. I asked her about this. Her replies….
  14. Ok to be fair I blame leadership whenever ***** hits the fan. So they blamed Trump. Ok…I get that. But where are they with their blame now?
  15. You're such a tool. It's hilarious. https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/22/trump-booed-at-alabama-rally-after-telling-supporters-to-get-vaccinated.html
  16. When one loses and argument they typically change the subject, don't respond or resort to name calling. You got two of the three. You've lost this one big time and you know it but you're too afraid to admit it. I sure hope you're not involved in litigation. If you are I would love to see your won/loss record. Stick with personal injury. It suits you better. You can save face buy telling us now what makes the GA law Jim Crow on steroids. Common man.....debate the issue or go home.
  17. No it's not at all like making a chef wear a chef's hat. Not even close seeing I've worn both. Try running on a treadmill at the gym with a) a chef's hat and b) a mask. Once you've done so come back and let us know what you found out. We'll wait......
  18. Nah. You realize that it was dumb and you’re too embarrassed to remind us of how dumb it really was. I understand how hard it was to admit it but real men usually admit when they were wrong. Jim Crow on steroids. My reply? 🙄🙄🙄 Jim Crow on steroids. Those who actually suffered through Jim Crow’s reply? 😡😡😡
  19. So you think it’s a bad idea which in your mind is cool. We think it’s a bad idea we’re horrified of the intrusion. Well isn’t this the epitome of partisan bull spit. Yes people, like you, need to grow up. 🙄
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