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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Insane? No made up of people who will feel and do whatever like. Oh the horror.
  2. The non-stop hypocrisy is astounding from both sides however the left really is so much "better" at is.
  3. My favorite bar many many years ago?
  4. We're moving Monday so everything is in boxes. I can't tell you otherwise my Chef License will be revoked.
  5. It's too complicated for y'all. I'll just leave it as a mystery.
  6. I predict the word flu will soon disappear for our lexicon and replaced with Covid.
  7. If these idiots don’t demand masks and flu shots every flu season we need to call them out for the hypocrites they are.
  8. WTF are you talking about? Why would I sign such a waiver?
  9. Thanks dad but I’m good. Here’s the difference between you and me. I don’t care what you do. It’s your choice as it should be.
  10. Sounds like I’m going to help even though I don’t want to. The IRS is the middle man. Talk to them.
  11. Im a selfish *****. Why I had no children. It’s also why I’m able to retire at 60. So I figured it out but those that are too dumb to don’t hold their hand out and beg. They have the government do their dirty work.
  12. I think you have the wrong person again. But I understand. Assuming is what many people do here. It’s not very becoming but carry on.
  13. I have a hard time keeping up too sometimes. Your posts are easy to spot however. The doorbell wrings when you post. 😁
  14. No worries man. Just gave me a reason to give you *****.
  15. Please quote the right people. I know hand wringing takes a lot of energy and focus. So how many hours do we have to be next to the person to catch the virus? Wring wring Who’s there? Worry Reich.
  16. Issue concealed carry to every other retailer with this sign in every window
  17. Hand wringing post of the day. Baa baa good sheep.
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