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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Pretry sad you try to get under someone’s skin based on his age. I guess that’s all you got. 😂😂😂 Trolling is not a good look. But you do you.
  2. The part we chop off and throw in the stock pot is now MP? ***** awesome.
  3. Jesus Christ! Well stop asking for money! 🙄
  4. Be sick of government's overreach and fearmongering. This is a perfect example of it.
  5. So now we’re not freaking out over the flu but a bad cold. I’ve had several friends and clients get sick recently and they all say the same thing. It’s like a bad cold. I am soooooo ***** tired of this *****
  6. I’m an idiot? Awesome. Give some examples of my idiocy. A bigot AND a troll as a mod. Wouldn’t that be fantastic. 😂😂😂
  7. No! No more ***** money. Jesus Christ. You want to print more money to ease inflation? 🤦🏻‍♂️
  8. Where did I suggest any of that. Your placing blame squarely on Covid with the government and their response to Covid and the rising inflation gets a complete pass?
  9. Ahhhhh. Passing’ the ole buck I see. Are you on Biden’s payroll?
  10. And you’re doing a bang up job in your interview. Past performance often does indicate future results. Especially with human behaviors. When you grow up and get out of your teens you’ll understand that. Carry on child. Keep it up. You’re nailing your interview. 👍🏻
  11. No the weather. An inanimate object doesn't fight back.
  12. I'm surprised they haven't blamed the government's number one boogeyman. The weather. LOL
  13. One positive with this high inflation is that retirees will see a 5.9% increase in the SS checks. Oh wait.....that will pretty much all be wiped out by the increase in their Medicare Premiums. Government rocks!!
  14. Keep on topic Tibs. What is the Fed planning on doing to ease inflation this year? Hmmmm.......It sounds very familiar. So popularity will WIN (Whip Inflation Now)? Again....stay focused on the topic at hand.
  15. You have failed miserably in your guarantee already with this one post. That didn't take long. Good job. And you call me a moran. You're too easy for this "old man" Carry on......
  16. To me taking care of me is the key to being a good citizen AND keeping my sanity. Trying to project your goals and values on others is a very frustrating fool’s errand. Why I try my best to not do that. And please. Don’t apologize.
  17. I drive the speed limit (usually) to protect myself and the passengers in my car. I cannot control how fast others drive or how much they've had to drink before they drive. Food safety is different seeing I'm paying them for the food they serve. Again I control only what I can. I'm vaccinated and wear a mask indoors (only because I'm required to). What else you want? Those unvaccinated to wear a scarlet C? Get out and enjoy your life. We're all gonna die my friend. As a band once said don't fear the reaper. Regarding wearing a mask when I visit my grandmother. Well my grandmother has been dead for 30 years or so but my mom is 96. I visited her recently and no i did not wear a mask. BTW did you wear one when you visited your grandmother during flu season? Will you wear one for the rest of her life (and yours) every flu season? Regarding carrying over for life it will if you treat the flu as you're treating this. Good luck.
  18. Political venom? Grow a pair man. I'm debating with you. Good lord I've answered your question. You just don't like it. I've taken a position of personal responsibility. I always have. The only thing I can control is what I do. So I will continue to protect myself. 100% of people will NEVER be fully vaccinated or wear masks 100% of the time. So I again I do what I control. ME. I'm not vaccinated to protect you or anyone else. I'm vaccinated to protect ME. Get it??? Now back to your hypocrisy. Why freak out now and not during our pretty much annual flu season? So you'd rather bury your head than read what I've posted? So you wear your mask for the rest of your life ok. If you don't you'll a either being hysterical now or a hypocrite then. https://www.who.int/news/item/13-12-2017-up-to-650-000-people-die-of-respiratory-diseases-linked-to-seasonal-flu-each-year
  19. Spouting venom? Where have I spouted venom? I'm just trying to understand why you're so freaked out now but never heard a peep from you during our pretty much annual flu season that often overwhelmed ER's. My opinion is this is way ***** overblown and people have no memories. https://time.com/5107984/hospitals-handling-burden-flu-patients/ https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/quality/iu-health-hospital-stops-elective-surgeries-due-to-flu.html https://www.abc.net.au/news/2016-03-28/doctors-warn-of-surgery-cancellations-in-flu-season/7278700 My opinion is people should so what they can to protect themselves. I suggest you never leave your home this time of the year now and every year going forward. And hysteria is not a good look.
  20. You have yet to treat people equally here. I don't expect your bigotry to change.
  21. Great job skirting the question and back peddling. You're so concerned about hospitals and ER being overwhelmed now but were silent with regard to calling people out for not getting the flu shot. Flu has never been gotten under control. Aske anyone who works in the medical field that put up tents during flu season. You are familiar with the term flu season right? Almost criminal. WTF is that supposed to mean anyway?
  22. Where were you with your “it’s criminal!!!” hysterics when hospitals were overwhelmed almost every flu season?
  23. Guaranteed? I'll remind you of this.........constantly.
  24. Come on in!! You can eat whatever you want not what the owner tells you what you have to eat. Freedom Fries on the house!
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