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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. You respond to every question with a childish response or meme. You don't ANSNWER them. See that's how debate works right? And you call others idiots. @Precision is our master?? EDIT: Oh wait. He thinks @Precision is DR!! I think you're right @Precision he is mentally unstable.
  2. So Billy Boy thinks you’re from California? Hmmm. Wonder if he thinks you’re me or Deek. Regardless he’s more immature than mentally unstable.
  3. No need for a strong comeback. Your own words have displayed your bigotry towards old people. Which is quite funny seeing one day you will become what you appear to despise. Carry on bigot.
  4. No way!?!? 🙄 Why I spend most of my time here pointing out the many opinions here are couched as facts. I’m very careful in my wording when I present things so it’s obvious they are my opinion.
  5. I wrote my local CA Representatives and told them they better not back this. One is a Democrat one a Republican. They approve this and every person in the world with everything from the sniffles to terminal illness will be coming here for their “free” healthcare. 😡😡😡😡
  6. You think it’s bad now wait to see things if pretty boy Newsom gets his universal healthcare for all regardless of legal status passed. You have no idea how pissed off I am about that.
  7. Wait. You’re reheating a steak @Backintheday544 ??
  8. So you’re confounded by nurture AND nature? Add DNA to monkey see monkey do (or in this case money see money do) and this is what we get. It’s been going on for centuries. Welcome to the human race. 🙄
  9. Who is being denied the right to vote? And the great American Kabuki Dance continues. What a waste.
  10. What do you have against old people? It’s really not a good look on a public forum. Looks like the the fisherman is getting eaten by the old fish. 😂😂😂
  11. You pay someone to cook you a steak and baked potato? Hand over your man card. Cooking is fun man. It’s a great thing to do with your wife. You work too much. At your age you should be enjoying life.
  12. Unless dude is working 24/7 and billing for that work he's full of *****. So he's either a lazy ***** or burns water when boils it. I'm going with the latter.
  13. What is the world are you talking about?? Did you just throw a bunch of words in the air and they landed on a piece of paper and you typed how they landed? You're talking about testing these people every day to protect them and the public but you say daily rapid testing makes no sense??? You want to protect others from me? Hmmmm "leper colonies" making a comeback? Do elderly people die in large numbers every year due to influenza? My mother's fears were well founded. You do realize it's number 9 in the top ten killers in the US? People get and die from influenza every year without hysterical people such as yourself mandating masks. And because people die every year from influenza and a majority of them are elderly as I've mentioned before if you don't wear a mask around elderly people and children every flu season you're either hysterical now or a hypocrite then. You know.....protecting others from YOU! Stay safe?? So should I stay off the freeway? Stay away from fatty foods? Watch my sugar intake? It's a dangerous world out there Bill........BOO!!!
  14. Fair enough but hiring someone to cook your meals just screams "lazy *****" to me.
  15. You've been brainwashed. So Homer Simpson shows up at his job "woohoo donuts!! Oh and my test just now came back negative!!" So the only way this prevents Mr Burns from contracting it from Homer is if he (and every other employee) either a) never leaves the facility or b) never comes in contact with Covid at any time after that. Dude......seriously??
  16. Why does the flu not freak you out? If Covid does the flu should too. I remember my mother a few years ago pre-Covid telling me flu season scared her. She was a nurse. You do realize the hospitals are overwhelmed by the flu almost every year right? You do realize several hundred thousand people die every year from the flu right? Come on man. Don’t you care about your fellow man? 🙄
  17. So Joey doesn’t know what a Cold War is?
  18. I'm assuming this has been brought up but I'm way behind here. I've been busy enjoying life. Anyway why is everyone so excited and pushing for these at home testing kits? It's only a result for that particular point in time. So are we headed to daily testing of every American? Wake up, brush your teeth, swab your nose?? WTF is the point of this?
  19. I think it would have been better the other way. He doesn't call it an invasion? What does he call it? An incursion royal.
  20. Ok we have officially lost it. I had a guy come to our house to look at redoing our closets and said he required masks for the “safety of all”. I was required to wear a mask in MY house??
  21. Pardon me for enjoying laughing at him and pointing out how he comes across as a troll and a bigot and how bad a look that is on him. Hmmmm. Not a bigot eh?? It’s just me and not all old people you have an issue with? You are so ***** easy. 😂
  22. You hope not? So Covid freaks you out but influenza doesn’t? I have not stopped wearing a mask. I live in CA and I’m required. Not because I’m a model citizen I just don’t want to deal with confrontation. But as soon as the mandate ends (2/15 I hope) it will come off 24/7.
  23. I’ll ask again. I assume you will be wearing a mask the rest of your life right?
  24. Bothers me?? 😂😂😂 You have no clue. I’ve waited all my life to reach this age where I don’t have to work anymore or answer to anyone and truly enjoy life. What does my choice to not follow the Bills have to do with any of this? Oh that’s right…NOTHING!! You’re losing badly and clutching at straws. Not only are you a troll you’re a bad one at that. 🙄
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