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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. The wife and I have been going out for happy hour for years and have continued that throughout the pandemic. Last week went to a local wine bar. We were the firsts reservation that night. The place was packed within the hour. Christ people the only ones that can get things back to normal are us.
  2. Biden: Hot mic? There was a hot mic?? Who planted the bug??? Handlers: That black thing in front of you sir. Biden: Cornpop's here? 🥺
  3. Great leadership Joey boy. Yelling at people is a great way to get things done.
  4. To your second point. Come on man! This is so obvious. Trump would finally be starting WWIII as everyone predicted. We are so lucky he was defeated. We saved ourselves from WWIII and Covid is no longer raging. Well one out of two ain’t bad even though I’m not so confident about the one.
  5. So he’s sayind America will get their balls back? I sure hope so.
  6. So no response to my pointing out your bigoted post about ALL old guys? I wonder why that is? My work is done here. Carry on Junior.
  7. And if she gets seriously ill or even dies? BEST PANDEMIC EVER!!!
  8. How are they allowed to do that? The mandate is that masks are required in all public places until February 15th? Is it a private gym?
  9. Why should we leave that vaccinated loser out of this? 🙄
  10. Ha! No we have to wear one indoors everywhere. It’s just the gym that really sucks.
  11. Great! Now we need them to do the same here. Hate wearing a mask. LAUSD said no cloth masks ar school. So why am I wearing one at the gym? 😏
  12. It should. JA is a dumbass and is getting his ass handed to him by someone he considers too old to know what's going on. Now THAT is funnier than 13 seconds.
  13. If they had only done that with Trump some of the time. LOL!!
  14. So what exactly did you mean when you said this? Which loss is harder to take? This one or the Bills last night. I'm thinking this one because it only took 10 seconds not 13. Bwahahahahaha!!!!
  15. But those with natural immunity and no vaccination are still treated as lepers. Awesome!
  16. Brilliant retort. Let me try it this way. What doe how he performed on his job have to do with his political/scientific views? When you have nothing intelligent to say it's best you stay quiet.
  17. Biden: If there is a full scale invasion there's gonna be hell to pay. If there is a minor incursion no soup for you! Russia: Ok we'll just install a puppet government without sending in any troops or firing a shot. Biden: Well ***** me. Now what?? The Rest of the World: Just go back to sleep Joe.
  18. So she cooks your steak for you? Does she cut it up into nice little bite sized pieces for you? Man up man!! Fire up the grill! Throw that ***** slab of meat on the fire. Make your wife proud. I bet she cried herself to sleep Tuesday. 😁
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