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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Good lord dude. Let me try this another way. The NFL is a PERFECT example of hiring based on past performance and potential whereas Biden appears to hire based on race and gender. I’m not accusing him of racism. I’m accusing him of dumbass pandering.
  2. From my dad when I was a teenager: Make sure you have a good lawyer and a good accountant. I took that a step further and hired a good financial advisor too. 😁
  3. Imagine if the Bills chose their starters based solely on race first and ability to play the game second. What would your thoughts be? And be honest.
  4. We got sent home early from school. Weird. Not a lick of snow on the ground but the sky was a freaky almost florescent green color. Then….BAM no school for two weeks. One week to clear the snow one week to save energy not heating the schools. This was during the the Middle East oil crisis. I had the foresight to get a carton of smokes before it hit. A few days in my mom asked if I had any cigarettes. Who me?? (1 was 15) noooooo. A couple more days go by. Mom says “I was cleaning your room and found a carton of cigarettes!” BUSTED!! It wasn’t until many years later it dawned on me she NEVER cleaned my room. I’m a neat freak and have always been. I called her out on it and she just smiled. Love her. She’s still with us at 96 and still busting my balls. 😂
  5. For Christ’s sake we even have Tibs wishing for a nominee based on race and gender. Sure we can consider the source but I’d rather humiliate it.
  6. I'm just so confused as to the lack of backlash of a President basing his picks (VP/SCOTUS) on race and gender. Wouldn't it have more of an impact anyway if he just did it and not telegraphed it? Are people really this stupid/gullible? Rhetorical question BTW.
  7. You're not very smart are you. Thank you for continuing to open your mouth and prove that pretty much every day. Quite sad and entertaining all at the same time.
  8. I’ll wait until they come up with a dumbass detector.
  9. I knew that when I originally posted that but was too lazy to go back and fix it. LOL
  10. Because there was no vaccine when she said that. Then when there was a vaccine AFTER the election she somehow never said that again. Hmmmmm........
  11. My work was done with him not you. So I guess it's your turn. Care to answer my question I posted to you above.
  12. Funny but couldn't it also be said that Kamala told people NOT to get the jab because of right-wing "disinformation"?
  13. I dream of a day when a man is judged by the quality of their work not the color of their skin.
  14. Have not I proven, with the use of his own words, the JA has an issue with old people? He’s easier than Billy Boy.
  15. I hope we get one who understands the Constitution and makes fair decisions regardless of race, gender, religious beliefs or political affiliation. 🙄
  16. Do what you can to not borrow from your 401k. Here are a few reasons. 1. You pay back with after tax dollars. When you distribute at retirement you are taxed again. Double taxation 2. If you leave your job your loan will be treated as distribution. And if you're under 59 1/2 that will mean taxation AND a 10% penalty.
  17. They did that here too. It was supposed to be for 30 days ending 1/15 but they extended it for another 30 days. I have not seen an end game here. What the plan is for ending it? What will be the metrics other than "we said so!"
  18. Kind of like when they were all excited about the 5.9% COLA for SS recipients but were very silent on the fact it's wiped out for many with the Medicare premium increase. Gotta love our government.
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