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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Good point. I know that white people have been using Supreme Court justices as role models for decades. 🙄 BTW Clarence Thomas isn’t a good role model? 😏 Black people: thank you thank you sir for telling us what we need!!
  2. So people are dropping Spotify (artists and consumers) because the platform refuses to censor Joe Rogan. Well let me make a suggestion to those folks. Drop every streaming service, cable channel, news service etc and lock yourselves in a cave. It’s a big scary world out there with lots of people that have opinions you disagree with. Good lord. When’s bunch of weenies.
  3. Jr High?? Too kind sir…too kind. Question. How much of that GDP is lagging? Sorry didn’t see your point until I posted mine. 😏
  4. So people didn’t find him promising he’d nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court objectionable? You think that single issue entered ANYONE’S mind as they pulled the lever for Biden?? Seriously…..I’d hire a food taster if I were you.
  5. So you're saying one of the main reasons people voted for Biden is because he promised to nominate a black Supreme Court Justice? Holy Smokin' Joe Frazier! I think your Chef spiked your tacos last night.
  6. There is a huge difference. And of course he missed your and Donald’s point. We don’t want more bang for our buck. We want the financial responsibility spread around equitably. Funny how the left loves to throw that word around when it suits their agenda.
  7. How about this. You do your own research and counter his points. You know…..debate him. 🙄
  8. How about a gay male? The list of candidates that would add to the diversity of the court is long. He and the Biden administration don’t care about diversity.
  9. Wear a mask in case you encounter someone?? What the hell is that nonsense?
  10. Has there ever been a time in the past two years that masks were require outside?
  11. Ok sorry. No we are not required to wear a mask outside. My question still stands. What’s your point?
  12. People outside California do not need to wear masks. Again, what’s your point?
  13. It was supposed to expire January 15th. I do not hold my breath on that expiration date.
  14. You don’t even understand, or refuse to understand our point.
  15. Please explain must the court represent the diversity of the nation in order to make fair rulings?
  16. When I get a decent answer I ask “so based on that you’ll be wearing a mask every flu season for the rest of your life right?” Then all I get is either deflection or crickets.
  17. So we can tick all the boxes? How many justices would that require? 15? 16? 27? Do us a favor and list all the boxes so we can make sure everyone is represented on the highest court. 🙄
  18. But would you take a much more qualified Asian female? Are we just a overdue for that? Do you not see this as ticking the boxes and pandering vs hiring the right person?
  19. Billy Lap! My dad owned the Theater Restaurant and Richard’s on the corner ar the time. He had to go to open up but 98 was closed (we lived in Alexander). So he took the back way until the cleared the hill on 98. It was so cool watching them with the big snow blowers. They had guys with long poles making sure there were no cars buried. Imagine if one of those blowers hit a car? 😱
  20. Black or Asian or Middle Easten or Paraplegic. Yadda yadda yadda. This is NOT our argument and he knows it.
  21. Stop beind obtuse. How about this way. Would you be cool if Biden said “I will nominate a white male for Supreme Court Justice”?
  22. At the gym now I’m defiance of the mask mandate. Come and get me coppers. 🚫😷🥳
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