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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. I was listening to the local news this morning. Sam Rubin does the entertainment report and is very well respected in Hollywood. He did a bit about Whoopi and said this. "My Jewish mother who was able to flee Nazi Germany often said 'Only in America is race determined by skin color'". Perfectly said.
  2. Wait.....so now he's accusing you of being DR? Anyone else Billsy?? What other screen names am I using? In a thread he started calling Trump supporters mentally disturbed. You can't make this ***** up.
  3. "Just asking to be heard!" Nailed it!!
  4. Point out where Rogan admitted any of his guests were a mistake. Neil was being a child with his either Rogan goes or I go tantrum. And what's with the Covid information hysteria? Why is Spotify using Content Advisory warnings for podcast around Covid? Why not podcasts on Financial Planning/Legal Issues/Mental and/or Physical health podcasts? THIS is the Covid hysteria that you seem to espouse. And one last question. What guests on Rogan's show have made up anti-vax crap? And even if they did so what. Why should Young demand it be removed. Let people listen and make up their own minds. Do you not believe in critical thinking? Ok that was two questions.
  5. Why? Let her spout her thoughts. Who cares. We all have the means to personally cancel people. How is asking for her cancellation any different than what is going on with Joe Rogan? I’ll give you a hint. It’s not.
  6. I’m just asking for clarification on things you’ve stated here. Your “insult” vs your answer pretty much tells me all I need to know. Classic pot/kettle right there. Holy crap. 😂😂😂
  7. Critical thinking is becoming extinct. Reading headlines and Twit For Brains is all people “have time for” these days I guess.
  8. Give us a couple of these so called untruths. Rogan has agreed to stop what? What was Neil right about? Sounds like Bill is spreading some untruths himself. 😏
  9. You are afraid of others opinions. Why else would you support people like Neil Young who demands that Spotify censor Rogan? So something not based in FACT to you is a LIE and not an OPINION? People lie all the time. You really need to live in bubble Bill. As I've said it's a big scary world out there. Stay inside where it's warm and safe.
  10. So you fear those with opinions that differ from yours? I suggest you cancel all your streaming services, all your media, never visit here again and lock yourself in your house. It's a big scary world out there (Covid notwithstanding) and dammit for all those people that make money by expressing their OPINIONS. Good lord............
  11. You’re our ringleader? Nothing personal but we could do a LOT better. Have you ever noticed when someone starts a sentence with “nothing personal…” it’s often extremely personal? 🤔
  12. Howard Hesseman passes at 81. One of my favorite late 70’s early 80’s TV characters Johnny Fever. My favorite T-shirt back in the day
  13. But he's been quick to criticize Trump regarding issues that are presented with hearsay and left wing conspiracy theories that flourish on the left. His hypocrisy is absolutely astounding.
  14. And there it is in a nutshell. People are being called racist and white supremacists for criticizing choosing a justice based on skin color. Up is now down......... I'll just sit back, munch my popcorn and watch the liberals chase their own tails.
  15. So if you’re against mandates you’re a white supremacist? Please draw a line connecting the two please. WTF is wrong with people?
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