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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. What human right did not exist when that picture was taken? Last I heard the man in that picture has been found guilty of murder and will spend many years in prison. So tell us again what human rights were the protestors destroying property and lives for?
  2. Here's my question. If the Holocaust was between people of the same color why did she feel it appropriate to assume a Jewish stage name?
  3. I didn't bring it up. The onus is on you. Glad to see you still suck at this.
  4. The dems are more open. Bwahahahahahaha!! Compare FL to places like CA and NY Oh.....don't forget your mask. BOO!!
  5. Oh so now that it's hitting "their" people it's getting out of hand NOW? Newsflash. It's been out of hand for a very long time.
  6. This is a very dangerous statement. What human rights were those riots looking to protect?
  7. I guess that’s it. Just as the hippies knew better than society them (Turn on, Tune in, Drop out) now that they are part of the establishment they still now better. God I hate that *****.
  8. And they REALLY hate those that oppose liberty. 🙄 Correct https://www.opb.org/article/2022/02/02/oregon-health-authority-extends-masking-rule-in-schools/?outputType=amp Who’s the idiot now? Are you for or against critical thinking? Methinks you have no idea what a lie really is.
  9. This has had me scratching my head since I moved to the Bay Area in 2009. Its often the same people. The antiestablishment hippies of the 60’s are now the pro-establishment lefties of today. What happened??
  10. https://ktla.com/news/california/ca-lawmakers-bill-would-mandate-school-officials-search-backpacks-lockers-under-shooting-threat/ State Bill 906 proposes (among other things) the following: Require parents or guardians upon registering a student for public or charter school to disclose whether any firearms are in the student’s home and provide details on ownership, storage, and accessibility of those firearms to the student. Awesome!
  11. You Putin loving boot licker!!! (Just saving Tibs the keystrokes) I don't think this is what Teddy had in mind. He must be rolling in his grave.
  12. Phenomenal retort @Niagara Bill You are a master debater. I'll refer to him as The Bubble Boy from now on.
  13. Our Commander-in-Chief is a sleepy old man. That is very worrisome.
  14. I absolutely debate. I challenged your assertion that Covid is the biggest enemy to mankind. I used the number of deaths to determine the size of the enemy and then your reinforce my assertion using WWII as your guide. Over 80 million people died worldwide from the war. Covid is the newest enemy but not the biggest. It's the biggest "darling" of the media and politicians. I'll put it this way. My wife's best friend was just diagnosed with leukemia. Our response is "oh no!! This is horrible news!" When someone tells me they have Covid the response typically is "that sucks....get well". See the difference? I have and will acknowledge what the world has gone through the past 2 years. In my mind cancer and heart disease are a much bigger enemy. Enjoy your poutine but be warned. It's not good for your heart.
  15. From Rogan: “Eight months ago, if you said if you get vaccinated you can still catch COVID and you can still spread COVID — you will be removed from social media … Now, that’s accepted as fact,” he said.“
  16. A wise man once chastised someone here with these words. “Attack rather than debate.”
  17. He said he would bring more opinions on his show but never once said he made a mistake with any of his guests. So I guess you're wrong there. But anyway one of the biggest challenges of podcasting is getting good guests on the pod. Joe should thank Neil for giving him the idea to get more guests on. Brilliant!! 9,500,000 people worldwide died of cancer in 2018. Over 600,000 per year in the US alone. Heart disease is a very close second to cancer in the number of deaths. And there are lots and lots of people disputing how many people have actually died FROM Covid vs people that have died WITH Covid. Very few disputing the same regarding cancer and heart disease. Covid will likely be way in our rearview mirrors while people will continue to die by the hundreds of thousands each year from cancer and heart disease. Covid is just the political and media darling du jour.
  18. And this has been what I've been saying all along.
  19. I can't discern between Billsy's schtick and that of a watermelon's
  20. And what TV interview would this be? He never once, as you said above, admitted that any of his guest were a mistake. Covid is the most dangerous enemy? It is not.
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