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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No I’m comparing the riots of 2020 which you apparently condone with the riots of January 6th which you condemn. You seem confused.
  2. So let me see if I have this right. You're condoning violence against the government when it has to do with human rights You consider voting a human right. The riots on January 6th were against the government regarding voting. So based on that logic the riots of January 6th should be ok? How'd I do?
  3. The “think of the children” battle cry of the left is subjective I guess.
  4. Then what exactly did you mean when you responded with “human rights are priceless” regarding the riots? And you don’t condone destruction of private property but you “understand” it? Words have meaning.
  5. The camp I feel she’s in is the woe is us camp. The only racism that has ever occurred in the world is whites against blacks. No other race or group of people in the history of the have suffered more than black people. This may seem weird but she seems jealous of the more than 2,000 years of suffering the Jews have endured. She’s a dumbass for thinking this.
  6. And because one cop murdered a man that gives the right to many who could give two ***** about Civil Rights to cause billions of dollars in damage, ruin businesses and lives? Is this what you're saying by your "human rights are priceless" remark? If so you're no better than the White Supremacists you rail against. There are ways to fix the world and violence has NEVER worked. But you cheer them on. There will always be people who hate, who deny people rights. Humans suck. So go burn and loot Billsy if it makes your feel any better.
  7. What does this have to do with billions of dollars in damage, business's and lives destroyed in the name of Human Rights?
  8. You live in Southern California. You likely know Sam Ruben the entertainment guy on KTLA. I posted this before and I'll post it again because it's very important to my argument vs yours. He said his mom who is Jewish and escaped from Nazi Germany always said "only in America do people think race is only about skin color." Sam's mom's point was that Whoopi is not the only person who thinks this. She is likely in the majority that truly thought this until this week when people pointed out the error in her thinking. THAT'S what makes her a dumbass in my mind. So tell us Deek. You're obviously in her mind. What was she thinking?
  9. Wait.....so you're saying the media sensationalizes things?? Nooooooo......... Er...yeah. I can see it from my house. I've lived here for nearly 40 years in 11 different places. Never owned a snow shovel or an ice scraper. I hopped in my car every day and never once had to shovel my driveway first to get to work. Like 99% of most Californians.
  10. I’m not sure why this is here. It’s disturbing as ***** but I wouldn’t consider him a lefty.
  11. I’ll ask again. What human right were the protestors fighting for that did not exist then or now? And if it’s priceless are you willing to allow strangers to destroy our livelihood in the name of said human right? You have a way of avoiding the debate time and time again. It shows how poor your arguments are. You can never defend them so you don’t even try. You bore me.
  12. That’s a boatload of assumptions on your part. My assumption is much simpler and believable. Ready? She’s a dumbass.
  13. Sigh...... https://www.businessinsider.com/joe-rogan-experience-podcast-episodes-removed-spotify-2021-4
  14. No you didn't. Now you're in Joe Rogan lying/misinformation territory. Cancel SoCal Deek.
  15. People ask how can we live here with earthquakes, wild fires, mudslides etc. I tell them I've been here since 1983 and have not had anything bad happen because of those things however you all get snow every.....*****.....year!!!
  16. My first year of college was the fall of 1979 a year after Animal House came out. My roommate had the idea to start a food fight in the cafeteria like the movie. He was to stand up and yell food fight like Belushi. Well as I was walking towards the dining all I see all these people running out covered in food. I ***** missed it!!
  17. And you people wonder how we live with earthquakes here in CA. 😂
  18. And I'm supposed do know which post/comment is as SoCal Deek the Bills fan and which is SoCal Deek the TV producer? Good lord dude. If asking for clarification gets your panties it such a bind I think you ARE losing your conservative edge and slipping into liberal land.
  19. And when pretty boy Newsom talked about it he laughed. Yeah this is funny ***** Gavin.
  20. It's confusing because you're not clear. See I'm literal why I ask so many questions. You said "it is unacceptable....." To whom was my question. Then you come back in a huff referencing the producers of the show. Be clear next time and I won't "argue" with you. You sure Billsy didn't steal your sign in.
  21. By saying it's not acceptable are you suggesting is should not be allowed? Those two many times go hand in hand.
  22. Fair enough but I must challenge your last sentence. Explain. The only responsibility is that of the listener to listen, do their research to discern what is fact, opinion and/or lie. Your conservativism is slipping. LOL
  23. Bravo! Many of the governor's at the recent National Governor's Association meetings felt the same way and have let the Biden Administration know this.
  24. I vehemently disagree. Let her and the network that her show is on (sorry I have no clue what network carries the View) do whatever they please. It's up to the public to decide her fate with their TV remotes. People accuse the guest on Rogan's show of lying. I'm pretty sure they believed wholeheartedly that what they were saying was fact. Just as Whoopi feels that what she said was correct. She wasn't lying. She wasn't purposefully spreading false information. She likely felt deep down what she said was true. She should not lose her job over an opinion on a show that is most likely 90% opinion based.
  25. I'll answer. She needed work from all those white Jews that run Hollywood. And guess what. It worked!
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