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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Hey Tibs!! Over here!! We're talking about Joe Rogan and Spotify.
  2. Were cigarettes banned or are people allowed to make their own decisions regarding them? 🤔
  3. I can get a meal at McDonald’s for $5 but $350 at the French Laundry. Its all food.
  4. Not sure what point you're trying to make but this reminds me of years ago when I was bitching to my barber about how much money NFL players make. His response? Until I cant get 70,000 people to watch me cut hair they will always make tons more than me.
  5. Name me the top musicians that have left Spotify that are listened to by people who pay for Spotify. Why they make nothing and Rogan made bank.
  6. It’s all very simple. For some reason an opinion that doesn’t fit a person’s narrative it tagged as a lie. I’m telling you people don’t even know what the word lie means.
  7. So they are not only immature they’re jealous of the prom king. Someone needs to let the know that podcasting is where the money is these days.
  8. It’s actually interesting. He drops some N-Bombs and nothing. Had a guest on who had a differing opinion on Covid than the MSM and it’s CANCEL THE *****!!
  9. So that’s the mayor of Boston?? With all those mandate questions and she chose the question “what’s your favorite thing about Boston winter? Good job Boston electing the prom queen.
  10. How many times? I'll let you guess that. But I'll give you a big hint. It's a round number. Nice try Bill but you got the wrong guy.
  11. All in the name of Civil Righs....or was it Human Rights? I forgot. But anyway we all know that history has shown us (thank your for that extensive list @BillStime ) that the best way to get the attention of people that would likely be sympathetic to your plight is to burn their ***** down.
  12. No…according to @BillStime it was for civil rights or human rights or sumpin’. Whatever it was it was priceless. That school needed burnin’!!
  13. Make your own dough. This is the best process!
  14. So the answer to my question regarding why they are calling the GOP cop killers is...yes?
  15. I'm not going to read all their ***** but are they calling the GOP cop killers because a cop died during the January 6th riots?
  16. The question wasn't posed to you of course. I was my way of saying if we're afraid of overcrowding hospitals now to the point of requiring masks and proof of vaccination to enter public places then be prepared for this to be the norm every flu season and if not? Well then this whole shitshow was a sham.
  17. So what’s the metric here that will require vaccines and masks to go out in public during our annual flu season? Fat, stupid and fearful is no way to go through life son.
  18. I just checked my results from Nov and it's at 74.2 It was at 37 when I first met with him. It was up to 98 when it looks like we cut back on it to the mid 70's where it is now.
  19. Why are you wanting me to go back to this mythical safe place? You don't like it when I shine a bright light on your idiocy. Quick...explain the difference between Civil Rights and Human Rights. Bwahahahahaha. Calling you a tool was an insult to hammers and screwdrivers. Later......
  20. My PCP focused on my D a few years ago when I started going to him. I've been on high dose since then. He actually told me to cut back. LOL. Because of his recommendation I've done a lot of research and learned that vitamin D is good for many things. Maybe this is why even though I didn't wear a mask until the mandate and actually stopped wearing one this week even though the mandate is still in effect I've not gotten Covid. Uh-oh.....jinx.
  21. Yeah it hurts doesn't it. I suggest you stop posting here for awhile. The pain of being smacked around will eventually go away. Later dude. And day drinking is fun but it can also be dangerous.
  22. Voting day? What's voting day? I think you mean election day. Day drinking on a Friday? Right on man!! But seriously....so what?
  23. According to the rioters of January 6th it would be voting rights. The right to have every vote counted. You know the one you cried so much about regarding the voting laws in GA. What happened Billy boy? Voting rights are not important anymore. Soooooo confused. Now here's the best part of this whole thing. You went from human rights to civil rights in the same argument. Talk about false equivalency. LOL! Yawn.....so boring.
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