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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Awwww I’m sorry Billy Boy. Do my responses to your post hurt you? 😔
  2. Then what is the world did you mean by this?? What's really sad is that handing out crack pipes is actually more than the red states are doing to provide health care for the poor in their states. Sad
  3. Only in your tiny mind my friend. Only to you. The fact that you think that is true just displays for all to see how little critical thinking you actually employ. For instance you likely think that I'm 100% behind the proposed FL LGQBT bill, or that I'm anti-abortion or that I'm religious just because I'm very conservative. Get out Billy Boy Talk to people learn who they really are instead of show us on a daily basis who you are.
  4. How Is handing our crackpipes helping? Please let us know what the end game of this exercise should be. Handind our crackpipes is providing healthcare? This is one of the stupidest things I’ve read here and that’s after I’ve considered the source
  5. I could not have made B-man’s point any more succinctly. Thanks Billy.
  6. He doesn’t know this one that’s for sure or even whether or not this VERY conservative person agrees with the bill. I actually think it’s stupid. Parents should be way more involved in the school curriculum but not allowed to sue if they disagree with what’s being taught. That’s entering weenie liberal territory.
  7. I am. I going the source. How is the LGBTQ community being attacked? Like this? https://www.hrc.org/resources/sexual-assault-and-the-lgbt-community Or this? https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-58228598 Or this? https://www.nbcsandiego.com/news/local/san-diego-man-brutally-beaten-in-anti-gay-hate-crime/2722271/?amp Methinks you have no idea what the word attack means.
  8. No amount of money would help. How about this. We do everything in our power to get their children back. “Here’s some money now go away!” is the biggest possible slap in the face. 😡
  9. Why is he (Trump) not in jail? Yes that was the question. Answer it and not with a question. What were the final results of both of those impeachments? I adore Trump? No I don't. I love how he makes yours and people like you heads explode on a daily basis. It's a ***** beautiful thing to watch. Beautiful!! He's only a person Billy. He's not really inside your head. You're a psychologist's dream!
  10. "The science changed"? According so some lefties here that would be considered lying. Sooooo where they lying then or are they lying now or were they not lying at all? So to the uneducated here. You know who you are. Science is often more hypothetical that actual facts.
  11. And those that don’t need to shown the light. No more of this cooking the books *****.
  12. Why is he not in prison with all these indisputable facts and the full force of the Democrat party digging and digging and digging? Why Billy? WHY??
  13. I’ve no needed my handgun since I left the “progressive” sh*thole known as Oakland. But there was reason to have fear there. Then I moved to conservative OC and slept with my windows open. Both sides peddle fear. It’s what politicians do to stay in power. And I stick by my point that the left seems to be much better at it. Be carful Billy Boy. We’re still in the “winter of sever illness and DEATH!! ☠️☠️☠️
  14. But what if someone doesn’t have a favorite? What about them??? 😭😭😭
  15. Quite interesting seeing the left are, in my opinion, much greater fear mongers.
  16. @Niagara Bill you obviously read this so would you care to address my question? Again just looking for clarification.
  17. This is about freedom you numbskull. Please explain why this goes against liberty. (this should be interesting)
  18. If you feel them protesting against restrictions is questionable what in your mind do you feel they are actually protesting about/ So if it's too cold for violence that explains the violent protests here in 2020 because the took place during the summer. That damn climate ***** gets involved in everything.
  19. I'll take care of the catering once the results are in. Champagne, caviar and lobster for the winner and my specialty Jim Crow for the loser.
  20. What would you call this? Now, I know there’s a lot of misinformation out there, so here are the facts: If you’re vaccinated, you are highly unlikely to get COVID-19.
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