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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Good lord. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  2. Translation: Yeah you’re right I was wrong and I hate that you always hand me my ass so I’m taking my ball and going home. To quote GNR It's so easy So ***** easy It's so easy So damn easy It's so easy So ***** easy It's so easy Oh, it's so easy It's so easy So ***** easy It's so easy Bye Bye Tibsy.
  3. I did??? Your TDS has you seeing things Tibs. Please point our were I said those on the right here were NOT posting about Trump.
  4. Current posts. Westies post was how many days ago?? 😂😂😂😂😂 Admit I’m wrong? About what? You are so triggered you don’t even know what you’re arguing about.
  5. Hey look!!! Someone just discovered the search function. You do understand how incredibly stupid this makes you look right?
  6. You’re ***** delusional. 😂 *****. I didn’t even notice that. 😂😂😂😂
  7. Angry? Why would I laugh at you but be angry at Westy? You really want to shine a light on you and Billsy? Not sure how wise this is. But then again no one has every accused you of having any level of wisdom. 🙄
  8. So you really think conservatives are posting about Trump anywhere near as much as you are? Dude…this thread is about Biden and Trudeau. What was the first response to Irv’s original post. Let’s look at the replay shall we…. Trump was a one term loser Hmmmm. Now who posted that? 🤔🙄
  9. What are you talking about? My fellow right wingers don’t bring up Trump constantly. That is left for you and Billy Boy. Sorry to hear about your mental disability. Maybe therapy could help? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  10. Is this what you want teachers telling our children @Kemp? Woke Supremacy……. https://goodwordnews.com/inside-the-woke-indoctrination-machine/amp/
  11. We got nothing so we’ll introduce Trump into a conversation that has nothing to do with him. Good job @Tiberius and @BillStime As predictable as which horizon the sun will rise over.
  12. Thanks for bumping \GoBillsInDallas/‘s thoughtful contribution. 👍🏻
  13. That’s what blows my ***** mind. We are not afraid. Why force fear on us? You’re afraid? Great! Get your daily booster with your morning OJ. Wear your mask 24/7. Stay inside. And don’t give me this ER overcrowding *****. ER’s are overcrowded every flu season.
  14. Every group has their wacko fringe. As a matter of fact the woman holding the sign identifies them as such. But yeah go ahead and paint the whole group as wacko fringe.
  15. Good. Drop the mandates. We go back to normal. Problem solved. Easy peasy.
  16. You'd rather have a teacher telling "who knows what" to your children than making sure the babysitters aren't pushing an agenda? It seems like only a few years ago the left was lamenting about how far behind the rest of the world we were regarding the education of our children. Why are we so far behind?? What does this have to do with the topic at hand? But I'll ask anyway. What more existed about slavery than what is being taught? BTW CRT isn't about slavery.
  17. How about price and wage freezes like I mentioned months ago? The cause of inflation may not be his fault but the fixes lay on his desk. What has he done to FIX the issue other then point blame and yell at reporters asking about it? Leaders lead.
  18. There is a very simple solution to all of this. Let us all get back to ***** normal. They aren’t demanding any major changes. They aren’t asking for crazy *****. They want things put backs as they were 24 months ago. Simple
  19. The mayor of Inglewood said if they tried anything like that he as tow trucks ready to go with very steep fines. But think of the exposure during one of the most watched events.
  20. The 7 stages of dealing with @BillStimeposts emoji style. 1. 😱 2. 😂 3. 🤔 4. 🤦🏻‍♂️ 5. 😏 6. 😵‍💫 7. 😴
  21. Aahhhh yes. The ole “the reason we still have problems is we just haven’t gone far enough!”
  22. What happened to that high inflation that (I’ll use the liberals stupid argument) Reagan inherited from Carter and do you have confidence that Biden will do the same?
  23. Do you have confidence that Biden will drop it as quickly as Reagan did?
  24. A couple hours? How cute. When I lived in Oakland I was at work when I got a call from my security system company. They said there was an alarm. One of my motion detectors went off. They asked if I wanted them to send the police. I assumed it was the cat but told them sure. Cops showed up 14 hours later while we were sound asleep. Didn’t even knock and do a safety check. They peeked into our window and heard one say “nothing looks disheveled” and they left. We could have been dead in the back bedroom. 🙄 As far as the question posed here? The cat. The ***** will slice them up. Won’t grab the handguns. Since we moved away from Oakland I have no idea where they are. LOL.
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