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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. So it’s your prerogative to teach your kids about guns. Good. And you know the best system we have in place to help you teach them about guns? Yes…the NRA. So I assume you have children. What have you taught them about guns and gun safety? Have you ever been to a shooting range?
  2. https://ktla.com/news/nationworld/west-megadrought-hits-worst-case-scenario-now-driest-in-at-least-1200-years?utm_source=ktla_app&utm_medium=social&utm_content=share-link Now if they only had electric cars and solar power in the 1500’s. 🙄
  3. How dare you compare this to January 6th! 😡😡😡
  4. Why? What do you have against your children learning the importance of gun safety?
  5. In my mind he’s not to blame. He’s charged with fixing it. Let’s go Brandon. Fix it.
  6. So what is sick about teaching gun safety? Party of death? So in your mind safety = death? 🙄
  7. We have on record that Billy Boy thinks teaching gun safety is sick.
  8. And yet here we are from all parts of the country talking about him. $70k we’ll spent in my mind.
  9. Either that or he swoops down in his red, white and blue cape and saves us from war. Win win.
  10. Tomorrow, February 15th, marks the day here in California that science follows the calendar. Indoor mask mandates were put in place December 15th and were to remain in place for 30 days. That order was extended until February 15th because…well I guess because daddy said so! So February 15th is the day that the science changes. Seven hours from the time I submit this post the science will change. Follow the science we’ve been told. No…follow the calendar. Oh and sorry for those of you in LA county. Your calendar following science runs until April 1st. Calendar based science is a fool’s (day) errand.
  11. Powerful stuff right there. 👆🏻 Thanks for sharing.
  12. Wow...there are some real ugly numbers in that list.
  13. The ***** GOP Marketing Machine on full display.
  14. I love how it seems that no one on the left even knows what the term "Science" means. I'll fill them in. Science often means a shitton of "we think........"
  15. If BLM was only blocking traffic you’d have a point. But they were not. It’s what each protest represents that determines whether or not I support them. To me this protest represents the people’s complete and utter frustration with the overreaching control of government. Not just the police department that BLM was protesting but the whole ***** government. Left, right, center. This isn’t about masks and vaccines. To me it’s about people rising up and saying we’ve had enough of the government knowing what’s best for me and my family. Agaln what freedoms are being denied to others? Other than some pregnancy or the freedom of visitation rights of some mythical dying grandma across town. However from what I’ve seen if someone approached these truckers with a request to see their dying sweet granny not only would the truckers likely move out of the way they would probaby escort the family to gramma. BLM would never do anything of the sort.
  16. You are now accusing how many posters here of being other people? This is real weird. From WebMD: Psychosis is a condition that affects the way your brainprocesses information. It causes you to lose touch with reality. You might see, hear, or believe things that aren’t real. Psychosis is a symptom, not an illness. It can be triggered by a mental illness, a physical injury or illness, substance abuse, or extreme stress or trauma.
  17. How many people are crossing the border to deliver a baby? Good lord man. And if you think this is just about mask mandates you’ve not been paying attention the past several years.
  18. And in my mind worth every sacrifice. A mere inconvenience to let government know we’re mad as hell and aren’t going to take it anymore. You can continue with this kind of rule but I’m sick of it. So do not compare this to giving in to kidnappers!
  19. “Can I get TH3 has no idea what any of this is about for $500 Alex!”
  20. What freedom is beind denied?
  21. Ok there is no way I can hear that name and not think of this…. https://youtu.be/UIPSvIz9NDs
  22. But kidnapping is wrong. 🙄
  23. Happy Silly Saturday Y’all!! https://vm.tiktok.com/TTPdB6Wbrq/
  24. Everybody sing along with Billy Boy’s theme song… 🎶 If it weren’t for Trump posts I’d have no posts at all Doom despair and agony on meeee… 🎶
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