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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. No I actually think it's more involved than that. The administration predicted the invasion to be today and if it doesn't happen it's because the administration prevented it. I guess this administration IS transparent. I semi retired this year. Earlier this week when Billsy was digging up all those posts about people bitching about left protests blocking traffic and replying "this aged well" I came real close to posting "don't you have anything better to do on a Saturday?" It was Monday. 😂
  2. Thinking of you? No. Responding to your responses to my posts yes? Ok ok I do think of you. I think of you as a troll and someone who, because of his profession, should be much better at debate and critical thinking. You suck at both. Carry on counselor. Don't you have an ambulance to chase or something??
  3. Gramma: He didn't do it!! You: Yes he did. We have definitive proof. See this video Gramm: Yeah but it isn't that serious If that happened back when we were kids dad would have showed up PISSED! Not at the school at us!
  4. A guy that I worked with said they are no longer The Who...they are The Huh? Here's the real funny part of that story. He told me that joke 30 years ago!! LOL
  5. Now there's a name from the past. Good to see he's still involved in the game at 70.
  6. A wise man once told me: Never ever ever get advice from a bunch of knuckleheads on a message board. Thanks for the advice but........................
  7. I don't don't have a free hand.....just sayin' But yeah I miss the good ole days.
  8. I've been saying this for a long time. When everything becomes racist nothing is racist. SMFH.
  9. I spend time thinking about you? Who responded to who's post here first? You seriously suck at this. Here try this. It has pictures so it may be right up your alley. https://www.wikihow-fun.com/Be-a-Troll
  10. Of course he does. He's a RE investor. Russian is (or was) likely a great market to make money.
  11. No he's not partisan in my mind. He's a troll who just likes to argue for the sake of arguing. Now I'd be cool with that if he made points worth countering but he really sucks at this and his arguments either absolutely wrong or full of really big holes. I really hope he's not a litigator.
  12. Hoax? What the ***** are you talking about? I mention accountability (which you quoted) and you come back with "teachers are grossly underpaid!!" Now if that is in response to my laughing at your point that our education system is lagging behind other countries is due to poverty? The poverty level of the students should have no bearing on how much is spent on those students. As a matter of fact we pretty much lead the world on how much is spent on each student. So this brings me back to the accountability factor. Where is all that money going if it's not going to the teachers? Government sucks. So the only ones that should be held accountable with regard to educating our students are parents and students? The teachers and DOE have no accountability?? Yup Deek was right when he said you're all over the place.
  13. Accountability is a dirty word in the public school system. As a matter of fact it’s a dirty word in the whole public sector.
  14. Good job addressing my points. Later troll.
  15. If it seems like I want direct control you have reading comprehension issues. So we’re behind the rest of the world due to laziness and morons I agree. That’s why I feel more oversight of the system will weed out laziness and morons in the profession. And if you’re talking about the students beind lazy morons some of that blame lies at home and some of that lies with the school system. And we’re behind due to poverty? POVERY?? Good lord man. Explain that one. And if you think this is only about CRT I don’t think you’re very smart. And if you think CRT is about slave ships I KNOW you’re not very smart.
  16. If you’re looking for hard hitting Hollywood political journalism you gotta read Variety.
  17. What are your suggestions regarding teaching gun safety? How would you go about teaching it to adults as well as children?
  18. Give us some reasons why you feel the NRA needs to be abolished (other than they are a Russian asset ) and what would you replace it with? So I take this to mean you have never had a conversation with your children about gun safety or visited a shooting range. I'll give you a hint. The rules of a shooting range are EXTEMELY strict when it comes to weapon safety and these are often guidelines posted directly on the NRA site.
  19. Where have I stated I want direct control? I'll save you the time of you typical little games. I never did. Once children enter the classroom you have no clue what is going on. So those are the only options? Submit to the system or home school? Every wonder why we are so far behind the rest of the world with regard to education? This is likely a big reason.
  20. Please define what you mean by "presidential persona"?
  21. So you care not at or would like to have zero say what strangers are telling your children. Cool. Bring on the NRA and Eddie Eagle!!
  22. “The Holocaust gave Jewish Americans conditional whiteness”? I’m sorry but can someone explain to me what this means.
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