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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. https://abc7.com/gas-tax-california-prices-legislature/11573771/#:~:text=California taxes gasoline at 51.1,the Federation of Tax Administrators. Well what do you know. I agree with Newson on this. The bolded is exactly what I said to my wife when they were talking about this on the news this morning.
  2. So we have you on record as saying the destruction of the local economies due to protest are a-ok?
  3. Famous last words. Didn't Neville Chamberlain say something along those lines.
  4. Yes the fact that he disrespects you got in the way of him arguing with you. 😂 That’s why these will work and BLM and ANTIFA didn’t. You know kind of like economic sanctions you all cry for.
  5. I thought the Biden Administration got Putin to blink.
  6. Vaccinated and Unvaccinated sections coming to a restaurant near you.
  7. Hey!! That’s waaaay out line. I don’t golf.
  8. Come on man. You’ll have some money left for paint.
  9. I know how. Our illustrious leader seems to have zero clue.
  10. So who is in charge to fix it?
  11. Income and assets make up wealth but there is so much more to it. It’s a state of mind and a level of comfort and health.
  12. Define wealthy. Asking for a friend. 😁
  13. Kick them off the plane and hit them where it hurts the most. Yup you got it. A No Booze order in all airport bars. 😱
  14. Cynthia Muffins Fair Caught Serving Caviar with Silver Spoon. - Geoffrey ‘Biff’ Bifferella Chief Editor - Society Pages Variety
  15. I agree. To permanently ban someone from flying for doing something stupid (usually alcohol fueled) is beyond draconian.
  16. I didn’t understand it either and you bring up a good point. Yes the airlines are controlled by the federal government but I feel it should be up to the airline who they choose who to serve or not serve.
  17. I know this is an out of context snip but what in the world was he saying in the last 5 seconds?
  18. I skimmed the article but didn't see if this was a lifetime ban or a specific amount of time. If it's lifetime it's way too harsh.
  19. So Idaho is making it EASIER to vote in their primaries than it is in New York and you have a problem with this? You just regurgitate whatever you find on the Twit for Brains machine don't you?
  20. Has there been any formal communications between the protestors and the Canadian government to work this out?
  21. They’ll come a whompin’ and a whoopin’!
  22. There is so much wrong with this short snip. Not only did the child tax credit not exist when he was a kid as mentioned above but $12k back when he as a kid (70 years ago) is not $40k in today's dollars. It's closer to $100k. Keep talking Joe....keep talking.
  23. So when I respond to your posts it's weird. When you respond to mine it's...........??
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