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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Start with the most apparent/important.
  2. Hey did you know that most of the dishwashers in the US are immigrants too! 😱 Why do you feel this is interesting?
  3. Apparently neither did you seeing your “quote” highlighted in red didn’t appear in the report. But my mistake was searching White Supremacists not WSE. Now what does the report have to do with Trump talking points?
  4. Jealous of the music we grew up with I see. 😉
  5. Impossible. Most of the lakes in cental NY were formed by glacial movement. Biden was there pre-glacier.
  6. Well well well what do you know. I got Billy Boy to actually read something he posted. You are right for once. Good job. See how easy it is to admit you’re wrong. Maybe some day you’ll grow up and admit you’re wrong too. But I doubt it.
  7. If he mentions how his administration has beaten Covid (or something to that effect) I really hope someone yells out “then why are we all sitting here in these ***** masks??!!”
  8. That was one of the most powerful two minutes and twenty seconds I think I have ever heard. Bravo sir. I would love him to run for office but I think if anyone approached him with that he'd likely tell them to go pound sand.
  9. Hey Billy Boy. Please point out where, in the 26 page Homeland Threat Assessment report does it say that that threat from white supremacists as the deadliest domestic terror threat facing the U.S. I'll save you the time. It doesn't. Where does it say that? Let's go to the Googlebot shall we. https://www.cnn.com/2020/10/06/politics/white-supremacists-anarchists-dhs-homeland-threat-assessment/index.html Huh. Well well well. It's our objective journalists over at CNN. You've been had Billy Boy. Hook, line and ***** sinker.
  10. The part after "now listen carefully..."
  11. The left is obsessed with skin color aren’t they.
  12. What in earth are you talking about?
  13. Ha. I need to follow my own advice. Thanks for the advice Chef but……
  14. A lot of nearly 2 year old accusations that have resulted in how many arrests. One man (umbrella man) gets all the blame for the Minnesota riots by breaking a windows but those that destroyed businesses burned ***** down get a pass? Are you really going with this?
  15. Cool...thanks. Funny you mentioned you always thought it was a woman. This is a pretty decent Rush tribute band and the lead singer is a woman.
  16. We are not against and never will be against protesting police brutality. It’s not what was being protested. It was the manner in which the “protests” took place. By their actions from day one BLM screwed up any support based on their behaviors. Their marketing was/is horrible. The fact that you appear to not understand this is mind blowing.
  17. Ok I need some help here. I was listening to Blue Oyster Cult's On Your Feet Or On Your Knees today. It was a favorite of mine in high school in the 70's. As I was listening to the intro to their Steppenwolf cover Born to be Wild it hit me. Is that Geddy Lee introducing the song? It sure sounds like him and I know Rush toured with BOC but not in 1974 when that album was recorded. I searched high and low (god I love the internet) and can't find any reference as to it being Geddy. Take a listen and let me know your thoughts.
  18. Yeah but do you know how much starch goes in the Captain's uniform? Huh....HUH..... HUH?? Well Tibs does so there!!
  19. @SDS = Scott = the "owner" (not sure if that's your title Scott) of this site.
  20. And neither do you. Today's new is tomorrow's history. Wait for it.............
  21. Again not sure how dishonest he is but dammit. Do something about it.
  22. Thanks for the advice but I don't need any advice. I am very well aware of what happened in Munich in 1938.
  23. Businesses?? They ***** shut down local government agencies!! For some reason that's cool but January 6th was worse than 911. Now don't take that to mean I agree with the 911 rioters. I can be a hypocrite sometimes (we all can) but not THAT much of a hypocrite.
  24. If Russia does invade and go to war against the Ukraine I'll ask you how stupid you think I am.
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