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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. It would again give Buffalo more millionaires per capita like in it’s heyday. We have you now in record as being anti-Buffalo. Water is the new oil! Where is the water going now?
  2. No…..appropriation. 🙄
  3. She created a fake story. Please explain where you’ve drawn that conclusion other than from the headline. Billy Boy. Hook line and sinker again.
  4. But Bush lied…people died!! in 3….2…..1
  5. I’m tanning. See I play both sides. Pasty white supremacist in the winter and oppressed person of color in the summer. See it’s all about skin color or so we’re told by the woke supremacist left.
  6. Yes California is ***** up but then again it’s mid-February and I’m sitting by the pool. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  7. I thought those were whips. 😏
  8. So you don't think that Russia has any intention of invading the Ukraine?
  9. That would be a huge win for Biden and I’d congratulate him for it even if they came across as the Stooges during it all. And I ain’t talking about the Iggy’s band
  10. Yup that's it. Whoever this guy is he's brilliant! Brilliant I tell you!!
  11. I wholeheartedly agree with this.
  12. From your article. Far from perfect but they play a vital role? Far from perfect?? I guess I shouldn't be surprised that far from perfect seems to be good enough for a government entity. Imagine a publicly traded company putting that in their quarterly report. "While we are far from perfect we are working diligently to get our share price out of the cellar."
  13. Yes. They bring them back again I hope no one puts them back on. I know I won’t. And I will do my absolute best to never spend a dime in LA County again. It’s going to be hard seeing we love Long Beach. But the rest of the county can go pound sand.
  14. He is our President. I’m not going to play the same childish game we gave the left ***** for every time they claimed Trump wasn’t their President.
  15. Sure you can. Clarify your point. It made no sense whatsoever. And according to Billy Bou their orders apparently came directly from Trump?
  16. Well good to “see” you man. Check your IQ points at the door. You’ll need to replenish when you leave.
  17. Are you pro gun or are you advocating for the stabbing or strangulation death of a sitting Senator? Oh and guns are not deterrents. They are defensive.
  18. I missed the proof. Please go ahead and repost. You added a lot of links. I didn’t read them all I had to water my vacuum cleaner. Oh and while your at it I’m still not understanding what you meant by this. Pleased explain. what would the cult do without this talking point, Jim?
  19. I’ll keep digging until you admit YOU’RE wrong. Where’s your proof that Trump sent in these goons? This is what started this whole exchange Billy Boy. Be a man. Admit you’re making ***** up hoping it’s true.
  20. Who the ***** are you??
  21. When I was a kid it was 100/0.
  22. We have you on record as advocating for the assassination of a sitting Senator.
  23. No. We will just ignore it and live our lives.
  24. No that is a CNN/MSNBC talking point. Try again Billy Boy. 🙄
  25. Too busy having unregulated fun!!
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