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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Seems off a little bit? You’re way too kind sir.
  2. Now you’re getting it. These are symptoms of psychosis. People may experience: Behavioral: disorganized behavior, aggression, agitation, hostility, hyperactivity, hypervigilance, nonsense word repetition, repetitive movements, restlessness, self-harm, social isolation, lack of restraint, or persistent repetition of words or actions Seriously dude. Get some help.
  3. Awesome. I was waiting for @Kemp to respond but you’ll do. See, I read the actual opinion first someplace else but didn’t use the source because it requires a subscription. Is this source better for you? https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/inside-the-woke-indoctrination-machine-diversity-equity-inclusion-bipoc-schools-conference-11644613908
  4. So you have a problem with the source but not the content?
  5. Well seeing I never said no one stood in line for 8 plus hours. I said I never stood in line for 8 plus hours and I’m not sure why they did when they didn’t have to. You’re memory is failing you William. You should be less concerned about things that have never happened and focus on how to get treatment for your psychosis. Seriously, you display classic symptoms. It’s also very interesting that bigots often use words like you freaks.
  6. Aaahhhhh the truth comes out. Billy Boy is the only one in his family that is liberal. And VERY liberal. He resents that and feels left out and it has manifested itself into the paranoia and psychosis we see on display here every day. You really should see someone about this. I forgot the anger. It’s also manifesting info anger.
  7. No….not what I was thinking. 🤔
  8. But me running my washer and dryer between 3pm and 9pm is the problem. 🙄
  9. Neither do you. It’s complicated right?
  10. He’s Canadian. Easy to impress. It’s another joke Bill.
  11. Hmmmm I seem to remember there was a regime who got residents to turn each other in? Hmmmm now who was that? 🤔
  12. I’m pretty sure they are dictating to Hollywood too.
  13. Yup. It’s just a bunch of racist truckers. 🙄
  14. Yes. We steal water from NorCal. We had to deal with the water Nazis up there while the Coachella valley in the middle of the California desert is a green golfing paradise. LOL
  15. So to clarify CRT is extremely complicated? Your response should contain one word. Check your BP Billy Boy. You’re veins are popping out. It’s a beautiful day!
  16. Ha! You’re a mess dude. Based on your posting history you: 1. Don’t seem to understand what CRT is 2. Don’t understand why we oppose it 3. Lack serious critical thinking skills seeing most of your thoughts come from either silly memes or Twit for Brains posts. Do a little unbiased reading and soul searching. 4. Seem to be a very angry person. Lighten up Billy Boy. Life is ***** grand.
  17. This so called dark money is shining a light on CRT so people can see it and then the parents are making these decisions based on what they see. Calling it Dark Money somehow makes it evil.
  18. Uummmm maybe it’s because it’s the parents who are against it. Use your brain….oh wait.
  19. Finacail sanctions? For participating in a protest. This needs to get out to all so we can make sure this never happens here. 😡
  20. What in the world is this nonsense. How will teaching this get teachers in trouble? Please explain Billy Boy.
  21. What do you have against economic growth of Buffalo?
  22. I was “discussing” the whole pronoun thing with someone on Tiktok. My argument was why don’t you take into consideration what pronoun I’d prefer to call you. He/she/it said “I bet you’re the type of person that calls cats she and dogs he!” My response was “dogs and cats don’t give two ***** what we call them. All they want is unconditional love. Be more like a cat or dog!” For some strange reason I got no response.
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