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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. Yes. So you have a problem with success and people proud of their success? What is wrong with that?
  2. Unfortunately he doesn't have many family members that are psychologists.
  3. So you think they made everything up in that article? And to your last point so am I. But of course you likely feel all teachers are a pure as the fresh driven snow? If you think ***** up cults only reside on only one side of the political spectrum I can’t help you.
  4. US: If you invade the Ukraine we will hit you with massive sanctions Russia: China? China: Don't worry man....we got your back. US: What the *****?? Biden: What just happened?
  5. Good stuff. I especially like that last one. The key there is to get parents to realize how much $$ they could save if they didn't not have to fund 100% of their child's college.
  6. I just want to point out that quaaludes (proper spelling) were not orange sunshine. Quaaludes were a sedative whereas orange sunshine was LSD. I read it in a book. 😁
  7. I’ll link to this piece again to make my point here. Yes these are private schools but it’s likely safe to say many public school teachers are focusing on DIE in a manner that is bad for self worth. Putting people in separate boxes is a very weird way to go about creating inclusion. https://goodwordnews.com/inside-the-woke-indoctrination-machine/amp/
  8. Yup…whenever I see someone in an orange jump suit I think innocent victim. And in honesty whenever I see someone smiling in their mug shot I think psycho.
  9. Nothing. Why we need to be very mindful of what they are telling/teaching. That is the topic of this thread no? Correct CRT is not history. History has and always will be taught in school. CRT can be interpreted in a very decisive manner that can drive a huge wedge between the races when we need the exact opposite. When I was taught about slavery and civil rights 50 or so years ago it gave me empathy for the plight of black people. Now we, for whatever reason, have gotten away from that. Today it just seems that things are being taught in an accusatory manner that does not create empathy. It creates division and poor self worth. It’s really weird.
  10. Who are prioritizing? Impressionable children who often look up to authority figure such as their teachers for guidance that will help them succeed in the real world. Question. What do you think is the positive end result of teaching CRT to children? You
  11. Yes that amendment is stupid and potentially dangerous. Now on to your boogeyman comment. Why are you so for CRT. What are you looking for it to accomplish in the growth of children? I’m looking for a serious dialog regarding this.
  12. Just trouble makers. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  13. I also support what BLM originally stands for. I think it’s safe to say that a vast majority of protesters (peaceful or not) have no idea what the term Black Lives Matter actually means. It’s very simple and both sides don’t even know it.
  14. So wait, they are saying their problem is that the GOP has better marketing? 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂 No really……. 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
  15. Yes. He wants sitting senators assassinated and a fellow American to kill himself but he really cares about Ukrainians. 🙄
  16. How about we leave that up to the people that raised them and show them unconditional love. No I’ve not yet talked to my gay friends. Have you talked to parents to see who they’d rather have that conversation with their children? Why are you so adamant about this conversation happening with a stranger?
  17. I guess that’s easier that encouraging someone to kill themselves. Your true colors are showing.
  18. Well now didn’t this conversation take a turn. 🙄 What will Putin do to the Ukrainian people if he attcks?
  19. Enslaves 40,000,000 people? Trust me, I’m no fan of Purim’s but say what??
  20. Seriously dude. You will never ever have an adult conversation with Billy Boy. 🤦🏻‍♂️
  21. So the 100 hours of CRT they watched and what they heard and saw and reported on means nothing to you? And they absolutely, completely hate CRT? I missed that part in the piece. Can you quote that for me?
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