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Chef Jim

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Everything posted by Chef Jim

  1. $3.50? Awwww isn’t that cute. I just paid $4.39 and that was after my $.60 per gallon discount for Ralph’s points.
  2. White? Red! Get with the program comrade.
  3. So what would you consider the number of civilians killed in Dresden? Just? Liberation? Freedom? I guess only a liberal would look at liberation and freedom as two different thinks as they seem to understand neither.
  4. It makes him feel righteous. He needs that. Let him alone.
  5. The day you disrespect your enemy is the day you get your ass kicked.
  6. The stupidity of this leaves me speechless and that’s quite a feat.
  7. Having respect for you enemy is a very important aspect of winning a war/battle.
  8. There are a lot words he doesn’t seem to understand the meaning of. Especially when they are taken 100% out of context.
  9. Are you thinking Putin will plow through Ukraine?
  10. Ask JA. He dragged me over here. He’s got a thing for older guys. 🤷🏻‍♂️
  11. Oh I can stand you. Is that your motive? To get me to not be able stand you? Now that’s weird.
  12. Ignorant fools? Now you're hallucinating. It's just me Bill. I can talk to you about whatever I want. Yes I'm not a fan of the team nor the sport of football. However I've been on the board for 20 years and have lots of friends here. I still post on OTW (that stands for Off the Wall just in case you were wondering). Who would you consider as your friends on this board Bill?
  13. Seriously? They show it (or advertise to use your term) every day and all day by what car they drive. Where they live. What kind of house they live in. What clothes they were. Where they dine. Who they associate with. Jealousy.....another symptom of psychosis. Damn, I'll be informed enough to get a degree in psychology after analyzing all your pots. So William....tell us more about your relationship with your GOP family. Let's start there.
  14. Whoa....dude's in our minds @SCBills You are one messed up dude. It's sad when you have so many here pointing this out but you somehow think we're all wrong but in your mind you're winning against us all. Again there are meds and treatment for psychosis. You've been spiraling downward recently. You may think I'm just being a troll here but I'm serious. i didn't know my about psychosis or psychotic episodes until recently. I have a question. Have you posted anywhere on this site other than this sub forum?
  15. Isn't rallying against Blackrock also questioning the man who put them in that position. The psychosis is strong with this one today.
  16. I typically don’t take answers from psychotics. Delusion is classic Psychotic behavior. So what I’m implying is you’re a nut job and you display that every day here.
  17. Maybe because they are the best equipped to…. Donald Trump has enlisted a number of top business leaders for an advisory committee in order to help "bring back jobs and Make America Great Again," according to a statement from his transition team. Instead we have a POTUS who builds his team around gender, skin color and sexual orientation. 🙄
  18. So Putin didn’t get Trump re-elected but Putin was handed the keys to Kyiv anway? So based on your insane brain we can come to the logical conclusion that Biden handed over the keys? Hard to type on the treadmill. See if you were as successful as me you could be at the gym at 8am on a Tuesday. It is Tuesday right? 🤷🏻‍♂️
  19. The UN’s goal? Let’s see now. Who is head of the UN Security Council this month? 🤔
  20. What does beep beep mean? How about toot toot? Or this old classic aooooooga aoooooga? We need to crack the code dammit!!
  21. I imagine this has been brought up several times but if Trump was Purim’s stooge why did he wait until Trump was gone to pull this?
  22. Keepind score? No just tryIing to figure out what you have against people being proud of their success.
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