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  1. Regardless of what could have been or might have been, just smash the lame-o Squealers tomorrow at 4 please. I live in PA and am surrounded by garbage Philly and Pittsburgh fans 🤮
  2. And we wouldn’t lose 36 hours of rest going into the next round, should we win
  3. It’s 6-1 half a dozen to me, we lose rest and prep time now (if we win)
  4. At best they could try to fly into Rochester, but the winds are no better therenit seems
  5. It should have been, any reason why it wasn’t?
  6. It’s still up in the air as to whether the Steelers can even get into town tomorrow.
  7. Moving it to the Meadowlands would have been the correct decision
  8. New road game fit!
  9. Got to jam in all the ads now to have a “commercial free” 4th quarter, haha
  10. sEaN iS a GeNiUs tHo!!
  11. I’ve said it before, I’m Pennsylvania born, raised, and current resident. The majority of the state is fantastic, including Pittsburgh. Philadelphia is a garbage city, overwhelmingly filled with sad, degenerate, garbage humans. Took my son to visit Independence Hall and the Liberty Bell several years ago, and had to step over/shoulder plow through several vagrants after refusing their pleas for $$. That’s the one spot you would think the city would care about keeping safe/clean. Sad
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