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  1. This is so embarrassing…
  2. Joey Bosa said that Josh Allen texted him that “if we do what we set out to do then we’ll be immortalized in this city.” from Alaina Getzenberg
  3. Love how that train wreck of an organization keeps resetting the bar for player’s salaries 🖕🖕🖕
  4. Reading this gave me such a bulge in my pants my wife noticed and asked what porn I was looking at.
  5. And the back cover is him on the ground 10 minutes later
  6. My God, someone should right a book on how disastrous Rodgers 2 year stint with the Jets was.
  7. Given how much has been learned regarding repeated physical contact and head injury I’d be more concerned of early retirement. These guys are financially set for life and all things considered very young. I’m surprised more of them haven’t gone the way of Andrew Luck.
  8. His face is looking…weird
  9. Are the Eagles really going to throw a shutout?? this is unbelievable
  10. When’s the last time they measured for a first down? It’s like they want to make the decision.
  11. Because he makes millions of dollars to play a game
  12. The ref who could see the ball said he had it and they listen to the one looking at his back
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