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  1. His face is looking…weird
  2. Are the Eagles really going to throw a shutout?? this is unbelievable
  3. When’s the last time they measured for a first down? It’s like they want to make the decision.
  4. Because he makes millions of dollars to play a game
  5. The ref who could see the ball said he had it and they listen to the one looking at his back
  6. Didn’t you hear? It’s a blended clock, lol
  7. James Cook rushing yards at 56.5. That strikes me as very low. Bills are going to want long time killing possessions. I have no idea how this game goes, though.
  8. The more I see of Gibbs the more I wonder why Detroit gave Montgomery an extension.
  9. This Chiefs team doesn’t scare me at all. The officials on the other hand…
  10. Darnold is costing himself millions of $$$
  11. Sometimes football can be a god awful watch. These uniforms are horrid. Why did they trade for Cooper?
  12. Wikipedia has already been updated with this kick. Who’s out there doing that?
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