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Everything posted by mjd1001

  1. That is the way things go, when the star high priced QB plays poorly, he gets blamed. Stop blaming him or you will drive him out of town? LOL, there are some pretty crazy things on this board, but telling fans not to blame him so he won't leave...talk about coddling an athlete.
  2. Or a slightly different take on the topic. If the Bills win, what will be the 3 most likely reasons why...and If the Jets win, what will be the 3 most likely reasons why: Bills win: 1. If it is possible Josh Allen has been under-rated this offseason. He is and plays like one of the top 3 players in the league. 2. Jets Defense isn't as good as advertised. The talk about a defense that brings back memories of the 85 bears is just overdone 3. Aaron Rodgers is shot. Maybe not bottom-5-QB-in-the-league-shot, but it is apparent his age has caught up to him and he is no longer a top 10 QB. He rushes many decisions and throws away plays to not get hit. Jets win: 1. Aaron Rodgers turns back the clock a few years and has a great game. 2. Bills defense is a lot worse than we thought. Their secondary is a step or two late to the receiver on most plays and they simply are not good enough to stop the running game. 3. Jets D is relentless in pressuring Allen and he simply has no time to make any plays
  3. It it was possible, I would trade giving the WR room 10-20% less money if that could be used to improve the OL. I think Allen could be even better throwing to a slightly worse WR group if he had slightly more time to do so and a slightly better Running game.
  4. I think they are just as good as the last 2 seasons. I really think their secondary play may disappoint. Poyer and Hyde are still Good, but I think we are going to notice they are losing a step or two and are going to miss some plays they made the previous years. The OL I still think is well below average. Maybe slightly upgraded from last year? Either way not good. But like the NFL as a whole it all comes down the the QB. If Allen is healthy, he is near or at the top of the list of Best QB's and the Bills will therefore be good. I posted something a while ago but now might be a good time to post it again, regarding Allen's elbow injury: Allen got hurt in that November game against the Jets. As a reminder the Bills played 11 games from then until the end of the year, including 2 playoff games. In those 11 games: Team was 8W-3L with 26.9 points per game. Allen completed 60.9% for 2701 yards, 19td, 11ints. For comparison, I looked at the previous 11 games (including 2 playoff games) before the injury (matching the 11 game number to get the best comparison): Team was 9W-2L with 31.1 points per game. Allen completed 69.4% for 3074 yards, 30td, 6 ints. Oh, and before the injury 3 games against the consensus best team Chiefs, all on the road at Arrowhead, 2 wins and the only loss being the 13 second game. To me, that is a big difference and many of the problems this team has can be 'solved' with a fully healthy Josh Allen. IF Allen is and stays healthy, they are in the top 4 teams in the league and just as good as any version of this team over the past few years.
  5. If Josh Allen is fully healthy they are a top 5 team in the league and division winner. Only thing I see them not being a serious Superbowl contender is an injured Allen OR the middle of the Defense being even worse than I think. Poyer and Hyde I think are not going to be the strength everyone thinks they are anymore. As long as they still are 'good', things will be ok.
  6. I would like to see him have a big bounce-back year and I think he will compared to last year. Resign him.
  7. Don't be a jerk your whole life. For some of us our writing style is to parse what we are going to say. I guess your are one of those people who's ego needs the fake victory lap of making smart-*ss comments toward other people so you can feel just a bit smarter in your own mind....."buddy"
  8. This was brought up a year or two ago...My opinion on her hasn't changed. I don't mind her ideas and thoughts. She may go on a bit long but that doesn't bother me. It seems she does her research pretty well and is prepared for the job. She has a good relationship with her contacts on the team. As a prepared broadcaster she is fine, shall I say in some areas she is good. BUT, I have a problem with her voice, it is hard for me to listen to. I know, its not her fault, but it is something that when I listen to her it is hard for me to focus on what she is talking about for long periods of time.
  9. its a bit far away from the southtowns/stadium, but Lewiston NY. -Lots of restaurants, lots to see walking up and down the street. -Waterfront at lewiston Landing. -A short drive to Niagara Falls (10 minutes?) -If its a really clear day/evening, go right up to Fort Niagara State park and see the Toronto skyline lit up from across the lake. Its along the lines of Williamsville (but with less traffic) or East Aurora. Big thing is its a little more of a drive north.
  10. I actually agree with what he said that for many a college degree is a waste. Well, not totally but it certainly isn't idiocy. It depends on the situation. Myself and a very close relative have college degrees and both of our jobs have zero to do with what we studied, and honestly it isn't even having 'a degree' that was an experiene that helped us. He ended up having his company send him to school 'along the way' to take a class here and a class there, at their expense. Another 2nd cousin I have got a full engineering degree and then decided he wanted nothing to do with it and got a civil service job that didn't reuquire a degree. He put himself though 4 years of school because it was 'expected' of him. Even my wife had a 4 year degee, lost her job and was unemployed for a while....started a new career in a different field and worked her way back up through the industry and is now doing better than she was with her oringinal job with her degree. Again, it isn't a universal truth for eveyone either way. But I know plenty of people who were/are successful without a degree (or at least the degree they ended up getting) and I know more than a few young people now approaching 30 years of age that are still strugging with huge debt loads becuase of school that wished they would have gotten a job and worked up through it instead of college.
  11. I think a case can be made for Allen anywhere from 1-5. Last year he didn't perform that way but that was largely because of his injury. In the year and a half before he got hurt last year, he was as dominant game-to-game as any player in the league, including Mahomes. The injury happened, so take that into account if you want to. If he is 100% back to his un-injured self this year, I expect him to be a candidate for League MVP again (pretty much meaning he's a top 5 player).
  12. It was different a decade or so ago and longer....but my recollection is when you have games where one of the top 5 defensive units in the league meets one of the top 5 offensive units in the league...it seems the 'good' offense scores closer to their 'regular' number of points than the 'good' defense holds them to their 'regular' allowed points. The top defense units thet their stats/points allowed for the most part by being superior vs the bad teams. But put those D-units up against the top offenses in the league and often times they look almost as bad as any other defense.
  13. There are a wide variety of interests and tastes on shows.... Moonknight was OK, to me maybe a bit below average. She-Hulk was certainly not award winning writing, but I enjoyed it...it was 'entertaining'. Falcon and Winter soldier isn't a favorite of many people, and got middling reviews, but I thought it was one of the best Disney,Marvel series I have ever seen. WandaVision? I watched one episode, half of the 2nd and it felt so 'cheezy' to me I almost felt embarrassed to watch it. Awful in my opinion. Loki was good. Not great, but good. We've given up on the movies...I'm not sure if it was one of the Thor movies or a series of 2 or 3 that were actually bad in our opinions, we are pretty much done with any marvel movie up to this point.
  14. Fun to read this thread. I can view things from 2 different points of view. The argument/point that the Baby boomers have led us down this path in a lot of ways I can relate to....and the boomers can't/wont relate to some of the challenges young people go through I can see. ON the OTHER HAND.... I'm pretty sure my daughter or no one she knows reads this forum so I can post this. My wife and I like many others grew up in our 20's working 2 and sometimes 3 jobs. When in college you work a full time job. Over the summer or right after college you work 2 or 3 jobs, 70-90 hours a week (at times) if you want to save up money to buy a home. I know not everyone did that but many did. A few years ago our daughter was in her very early 20's. My wife and I were watching a show on tv about 9 or 10pm and it was a comedy and we were laughing at it. Our daugher STORMED downstairs, angry look on her face, looked at us and said "Can you two BE QUIET? I need to get sleep because my job is MAKING ME WORK over 40 hours this week!" I think she worked something like 45 hours that week.
  15. If someone is driving like a total idiot, won't let them in. In every other case it depends.... Big truck or SUV? Nope, not letting them in. Car? probably letting them in. Its not that I'm someone who hates Trucks and Suv's.....just if I'm going to let someone cut in front of me, its not going to be someone driving a 6 foot tall wall that blocks my visibility of what is going on 2-3 or more cars in front of me. A car I can see above, around, or through much better than a huge truck/suv.
  16. Neither movie is one I want to see badly. If I had to pick one I'd go with Oppenheimer, but its likely we won't see it in the theater...I usually draw the line at 2 1/4 hours for a movie lenght to watch in the theater. 3 hours for a movie, add 20 more for previews...just too long for me to sit in a seat in a theater. Wife wants to see Barbie so I'll probably give in and go see that with her. Oppenheimer will be a must-watch, just at home in a few months.
  17. I feel the exact opposite way. As a kid when they went to the red helmets, I thought they were awful, never liked them, and when they went back to the whites I thought it was the best uniform thing they could do and wondered why it took so long.
  18. Diggs and his cryptic tweets a lot of people try to figure out what he is saying...not a big issue. Diggs leaving Minnesota the way he did....not a big issue. Diggs yelling on the sidelines...not a big issue. Diggs not being at day one of mini-camp, not a big issue. If any other players did any one of those things, it would be noted but not a big issue. THE BIG ISSUE is that he did/does all 4 of them.
  19. Do you not read or you just dumb? I said he's probably top five, but I guess your man-worship of Allen is so great that you're just going to take offense to the first part of what I said and not read when I said something was even more probable than that. Read what I said. I said he's likely a top 5 quarterback in this league. Don't just cherry pick something and then make a comment back to me because your fragile ego must need to do that. Telling someone to put a dunce cap on is just a juvenile. You deserve this response
  20. I'm not sure I'd say its much of a team friendly deal. Allen is consenus top 10 QB. Probably a top 5 guy in the league, but he sure isn't the undisputed #1 in the league. He's getting paid only about 4% less than the consensus top guy in the league, and to my knowledge every other deal ahead of him (per season) other than Mahomes was signed after his...which is what happens in the NFL, the latest contract is usually higher. So its not really a team friendly deal. Its a fair deal, but when you are getting paid almost as much as the top guy in the league its not like he took $8 million or more less per year than he could have gotten.
  21. I give the nod to Peyton Manning as a better QB than Brady. I can't take away the cheating from Brady (without the cheating, would any of those 1 score superbowls have gone the other way, or would they have not even made some/most of them?) Not to mention I have heard and read quite a few players talk about playing them at the peak fo their careers, and say something like "when you played the Patriots, you were afraid of the entire team, when you played the Colts, you were afraid of Manning" or "You know Brady was good, but he didn't keep a Defensive player up at night like Manning did". But mostly, I give Manning the nod because of the cheating by the Pats. As far as Marino, as much as I HATED him as a player, I wonder what kind of numbers he would have put up had he played 20 years later. I don't consider him the 'greatest ever', but I cannot really tell someone they are totally wrong if they thought he was.
  22. I have no attachment to Oliver other than how good he is on the field. If you can get something of value for him, go ahead and trade him. If not don't. Right now, I'd say don't trade him, view him as a free agent you signed on a 1 year deal to try to be as good as you can this year.
  23. how is his footing? Against the Bengals, the entire team, but especially the offensive line looked like they were trying to get footing on ice while they got pushed around.
  24. Edmunds was a big part of a D-unit that was highly rated in regular seaons, but ultimatly pretty bad in the losses you had in the offseason. His fault? No, but against top teams your 'highly rannked" D-unit isn't much better than an average D-unit. Would have loved to keep him, but that money is probably better spent on the OL protecting Josh and making the offense even better.
  25. I would rather have Edmunds than not have him. BUT I'd rather spend $18 million per year on the offensive line than on Edmunds.
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