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Everything posted by mjd1001

  1. It makes sense for sure if the season is delayed. However, it is my least favorite thing if the schedule stays "as-is".
  2. 6 to 8 win team this year for the Pats. Without Brady in NE, I think Bill B. has a 19-18 record (about .500). Without Brady including the Browns, he is well under .500. D unit should still be good, but not as good as last year because they are aging pretty quickly (1st half the season they allowed under 8 points per game....2nd half of the season, they allowed an average of over 20 points per game.) Should be a top 10 D-unit (but no longer elite) and a well below average offense....plus a tough(er) schedule make 8 wins a best case scenario to me.
  3. I kinda agree. I thought he was very, very good in the past, but hasn't been lately. I don't think a decade though, I think for me it was about 4-5 years ago where I thought he started to get worse.
  4. Who wants to hear a partisan Jerk? The people who want to hear what he has to say...most fans in Boston. Its not just cable news, people don't want to hear 'news' or 'reporting'....what they want is to listen to someone who will tell them what they want to hear. Its the old Don Draper line from Madmen..."Advertising is happiness, its a sign telling you that everything is going to be OK"....or something like that. Its not just Boston...look at most 'spoiled' fanbases where they only know winning for a long time. It is hard for them to even comprehend losing. They think their 'franchise' is so great...that even in the worst of years, they will still compete for the playoffs...and it is only a matter of time before the correct pieces are put in place to get them back to winning all the time. For those of us older, think of the Bills in the early 1990's....even though you knew Kelly and Thurman and Bruce were getting older and going to retire....I remember it being 'common knowledge' and just 'expected' that the next QB would be found, the next good coach was around the corner...and winning would continue as far as you could see into the future. The level of winning (Superbowl contender or just playoff contender every year) was the only question. It will probably take a year or two..but pats fans..and Boston writers...will probably eventually come to grips with this.....that there is nothing magic in the water in Foxboro or a magic wand that Kraft has that keeps them winning year after year. A few bad years in the next 5...and they'll come to grips with it, just like almost every other franchise has in a Salary Cap era once their big stars are gone.
  5. That is the way media has become. Today, as opposed to years ago, I think people watch and read the news that they LIKE...that gives them what they want to hear.....instead of listeing for facts or to be exposed to other points of view. Trying to get someone to see, or even CONSIDER a point of view different than what they already have is asking for a fight most of the time. Its not just Graham, its a lot of reporters....if someone has a strong opinion..or reports facts that are different than what you want to believe, people are not going to like them for it.
  6. Here is where I stand with Allen, and what I have said on these forums many times. I like Josh Allen. I think there is a chance he can be a top 5 or 10 qb in the league. I think he got better from his first season to the second season. I think there is a chance he can be the franchise QB to lead the team to the playoffs multiple times. While saying that, I think last season he was still a LONG way form a top 5-10 qb in the league. I think there is a chance he won't get much better and the Bills will be looking for a new QB in a few years. He needs to be better, a pretty good amount better, going forward than he was in the past. When i have said those things in the past on this forum, I have been accused of hating on Allen...that is what I don't get.
  7. I'd personally prefer a fulls season of Sunday 1pm games for the Bills. However, if they do have any national night games, make them home games.
  8. Take his entire career including the time with the Bills and per 16 games played: 60 receptions, 893 yards, 6.5 TDs Take his time since leaving the Bills (Rams and Chiefs) per 16 games: 54 receptions, 732 yards, 5.7 tds This is over a 6 year, 76 game played career. He has the physical talent to occasionally have a very good game...but he is what he is...a below average starting WR, or a decent #3.
  9. I agree Even if it means some 9-8 or 8-9 teams make the playoffs, I'm good with it. Its not like we are going to have 2 8-9 teams playing each other in the first round every year...and honestly I don't mind watching .500-ish clubs play. Its the 1-11 vs 3-9 teams playing each other I don't like. And if the game has meaning....a playoff-loser-goes-home game...then that is what makes it good for me. I don't want the league too watered down, but I'd like to see the bye in the playoffs gone totall. 8 teams in each conference make it. Top seed is 'rewarded' by getting to pick their opponent from the bottom 4 seeds.
  10. Pending no other MAJOR moves, I think New England is facing a 'worst case' scenario to some...a 6-10 to 8-8...MAYBE 9-7 season if EVERYTHING goes right...but one that will likely not get them in the playoffs, yet not give the franchise much hope in terms of a high draft pick. Sound familiar to anyone here? The offense will probably be below average (and honestly, a declining Brady staying there would only have made it slightly better). The D-unit is likely to be above average, but not top-of-the-league like this past season. Most of that Pats D was on the wrong side of 28 years of age...the age that Defensive players typically peak in terms of performance. Its likely some of them will be slightly worse than they were last year...not very likely any of them will be getting better. Without Brady (a GOOD Brady from a few years ago) being there, they aren't likely to get as many Free agents coming there to play under that leadership....and more importantly they are a lot less likely to get player on bargain contracts (willing to play for the Pats for less money than anywhere else) simply to play with a 'peak' Brady. If the Pats 'break things down' and create cap room...then in a year or two they will simply be on even footing with just about every other team that has done that. Long term, the only things the Bills have to worry about with the Pats are if they find a new/creative/effective way to cheat...and if they stumble upon the next great NFL QB....like a Manning, Brady, Brees, or Mahomes. Honestly, if you look at BB drafting in the past....there is no reason to think he is more likely to find that in todays NFL than anyone else.
  11. People have short memories and want to place blame for everything that goes wrong. I would personally keep the combo because I don't like a lot of change and am one of the last person to get on the bandwagon of 'fire the coach' or 'fire the gm' However, if Allen doesn't pan out to be a very good or better QB...and the team doesn't become a regular playoff contender, I'm pretty sure this forum will be filled with people asking for changes to the coach and/or GM.
  12. With oil prices so low for now....'drilling another well' may not be a profitable as it once was...so they gotta tighten the belt in other places to make up for it.
  13. This is a tough one for me. I don't like Trump at all as a person, and I"m iffy on his policies. I really do not want to see him there for another 4 years (like really, REALLY don't want it), but you know what? There is a way I might be OK with it..and that if the other choice is Sanders. A year ago I would have told you it was a certainty that I'd want any Democrat over Trump...but the more I hear of Sanders and what he/his supports want, I'm not so sure I'd take that plunge. Basically, I want a centrist. Republican or Democrat...doesn't matter...whoever is closes to the center would be my choice. Trump is too extreme to the right for me (plus his personality..ugh). But Sanders seems SO far left...if only given the choice of those two...I just may abstain from voting but in the back of my head 'accepting' Trump as the better of the two.
  14. I don't mind the things she has to say, I don't mind her opinions either. But as others have said, her voice is just hard to listen to. Its not her fault, and she seems to be someone who has the ability to be a good broadcaster.....but the few times she was on, I turned the station after a few minutes. Once again, its just the sound of her voice that doesn't come over the radio well and is very hard to listen to.
  15. I don't care if the performance was by one of my favorite bands of all time, I'm just not a fan of the SB halftime shows. If I want to go to a concert, I'll go. Of course its not going to happen, but I'd rather they have a 15 minute halftime (less would be great) and then get back to playing the game.
  16. Of his contemporaries, I still think Manning looked better to my eyes...when comparing both of them at their peak years. Take away the cheating (and I don't, because it happened and it DID help him) but even with that, Manning looked to just be a better passer to me. At his peak Brady made all the throws, but even then the Pats relied on the pick plays as their bread-and-butter. Maybe its smart to do what works, but Manning made every throw to every part of the field and didn't really fall back on one thing.
  17. It all depends on the level of the player. WR would seem the obvious choice, but it really isn't unless that player is an Elite WR, or close to it. Bring in a 'good' WR, and have you really upgraded much over Beasley and Brown? Same for a lot of other positions. Basically, it isn't so much what is the biggest 'need', because while the Bills have some holes, nothing is a huge, massive, gaping black hole of a need. What need I need to see them address is simply signing or bringing in a player that is the biggest 'increase' in talent over the incumbent. If that WR doesn't exist, just don't sign someone for the sake of doing it. Make sure whoever you sign, wherever that is...is a noticeable improvement over the incumbent. So to me, I would LOVE a star WR, but it looks like the best chance for improvement might be a LB to replace Alexander...or finding an OL that is an improvement over what you have.
  18. I'm sure there are teams I'd root for over others, but who wins or loses is not a big deal to me. I'm more interested in watching the game and wanting some suspense in the outcome. Very little makes me root FOR a team (has to be a team I am a life-long fan of, like the Bills) Only a few things make me root against a team: 1. Overwhelming favorites where I get sick of the media saying how great they are. 2. Dynasties, I don't like seeing the same teams over and over. 3. Teams who cheat (Pats, Astros, Redsox) or teams who got to where they are by bending the rules too much. None of those things really stand out to me with who is remaining, so I'm all good with anyone who is left.
  19. I have a problem with the title. GOAT? Without the cheating, it bothers me how people assume he is/was the greatest ever.
  20. If Tom Brady were to leave the Patriots and play for any other team, and those two teams meet in the playoffs, who do you root for? Suppose its wild-card weekend next year, and a 10-6 Charger, or Dolphin, or any other AFC team led by Tom Brady plays a 10-6 Patriots team. Who do you want to see win that game? The Pats get there with a good D-unit and above average QB play. On the other side, Brady has a good year (not MVP year though). I'm just curious where most of the dislike lies....with the Pats as a team with their coaching staff and Kraft....or with Brady?
  21. I've been to dozens and dozens of Bills games in the past..mostly home and some away. I have sat in 70 degree weather in September....and through freezing rain and sleet, and in snow. Games with frigid wind chills, winning seasons, losing seasons. All of it. The At-home experience is just better for me. You can see more/better on your TV than almost any seat at the stadium. It is cheaper, food and drink are better. Less hassle less travel. I can sit by myself have a small group over, or a big group over. And many other points others have stated in this thread. I don't need to attend a game in person to prove how much of a 'man' I am or to prove I am not a 'wuss' anymore. I guess other people feel differently though an feel the need to post about it.
  22. I agree with you. Is Brady great? Maybe, but maybe not. Since there was proven cheating and a LOT of suspected cheating, I don't give him the benefit of the doubt. Without the cheating, the spying...his numbers and championships would be lower, and throw the accusations of cheating on top of that and he's not great to me. Same thing with that entire coaching staff.
  23. Pretty sure I read earlier today it was 12-12....if true the pats are a LOT worse against staffs that know how they work.
  24. Why you might want to seriously start getting ready to write the obituary on the pats being contenders going forward: -12-4 is a good record and yes, you play who is on your schedule. But, looking at their schedule next year..if they played that schedule this year...they would be maybe 10-6? That schedule is coming -Bills, Jets, and Phins SHOULD all be the same or slightly better, making those games a tad tougher for the Pats -Brady really looks 42 this time, for real. Lack of weapons this year? Maybe, but watch the games..he throws balls at players feet, sails them over their heads, and will throw away a ball at even the slightest fear of him getting hit. Hes not going to better next year with another year of age. -They relied on their D-unit this year. That D-unit is the oldest in the NFL. Most D players peak at 26-28 years of age. They have more than a few that are over that, and are on the wrong side of 30. Can they still be good? Yes, but that same unit will not be better with them all a year older, just like with Brady. -to replenish that roster, they have their own late 1st round pick, and no 2nd. They might lose another pick with the new cheating scandal. -Free agent replenishment? Maybe when Brady was considered a top QB that would cause FA's to consider the Pats..but with a declining (or none at all) Brady, and a culture/coaching staff that a lot of guys don't like...they might not be getting a ton of top flight Free agents lining up at the door in Foxborough. I just don't see this team as a top team next year. Even if Brady is better than he looked because of nagging injuries, he is not the same as he was...and will be even more likely to get those 'nagging' injuries next year being another year older.
  25. I browsed most of this thread but haven't read every post entirely, but here is where I come down on this: Players move the ball after the play is over but before the ref spots the ball......its annoying but they do it. No problem other than being annoying. Player moves the ball AFTER the ref spots it....should be a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty, AND A fine after the game. I don't care if it is the reason a team won or lost the game or not...if you don't want players to do crap like this..fine and penalize them. If the players/teams cry its not a big deal..then just stop doing it.
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