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Posts posted by TANK2

  1. From what I read about Lynn when he got the coordinators job hes a bit of a hard ass and a disciplinarian which is exactly what this team and especially the gangha king need. Many complain about tyrod but guess whose seventh in the league in scoring. The Bills. Hope he gets the job and is smart enough to bring in a coordinator on defense who has a system more suited to our talent. I remember a few years back pre rex when we beat the packers and made Rodgers look stupid. One of the players on defense said they stayed in one look almost the entire second half. Dont need sixty different fronts with ten variations of each look to be effective.

  2. Quick question. How many NFL teams let a legit QB walk that doesnt have Injury issues?


    So if TT flashed ever instead of staying just like the college QB would not one of the better FO in football get value for him.


    Your right had 2 years and regressed from year 1 to year 2

    Yea. He really looked regressed yesterday with all his weapons available for once. 600 yards of total offense. Just awful.

  3. Think most people would trade our offense for the Cowboys offense in a heartbeat. Fact is we are seventh in scoring and they are sixth. We are exactly .2 points per game behind them. Our problem isnt offense its defense. It took Jim Kelly 4 years to reach his peak. Tyrods been in this offense for two. I have no issue with the Bills taking a qb in thr fourth or fifth round. But our first three selections should be defense. Is tyrod perfect. Not even close. But he is the qb of the seventh best offense in the league. Thats a fact. He should be brought back. There are no better options unless we get incredibly lucky in the draft like Dallas did. A broken down Tony Romo? No thanks unless its a conditional third and the price will be much higher than that for him.


    Why don't you just enjoy your Christmas? What an extremely odd thread on a day most people are trying to be joyous in. I'd definitely say your moronic for starting this.

    Sounds like I touched a nerve.Im no more moronic than those who feel the need to attack and question peoples intelligence when someone critcizes an organization that hasnt made the playoffs in almost two decades. And once again, just like the last seventeen years those that have been critcal of how things are run at OBD are once again CORRECT in their assessment of the team. What pisses me off is the wolfpack mentality of he koolaid drinkers who feel the need to make those of us who critcize the team feel like complete idiots. Especially in light of the fact that we seem to be far more in touch with the reality of the situation. 8-8 at best. Thats what your getting this year. AGAIN. If that doesnt bother some thats fine. I want a championship. Dont treat those of us who want more like imbeciles. Thats the point of this thread because once again we are right and the koolaid crowd couldnt be more wrong.
  5. Nope what is impressive about taking an offense and not messing it up except making the passing part worse.

    I will take Coughlin over Lynn anyday and i hate the idea of Coughlin.


    Rex is he greatest. And Doug is the greatest. And Russ is the greatest. And rob is the greatest. and if you dont agree you have an agenda or you just dont know the game.

  6. Get this guy a true professional QB for fux sake.


    This is too hard to watch. He's not wrong.

    How exactly is the new Qb suppossed to get him the ball when hes on the sideline nursing a hangnail??? Or a sprained hair folicle? Or a ruptured eyebrow? Tell me that???

  7. Eh, the Peyton think sounded like a stupid prank but point taken.


    And I hate scumbags who hit women. I hated the Karlos Williams pick, hated people who wanted to bring in Hardy, and think Joe Mixon is a piece of ****.


    But what has Sherman ever done? Talk a lot? Gimme a break. I'd take that dude all day in my team.

    Might want to do your research on Manning. Went way farther than that.

  8. Sure Tank. Players were saints in your glory days. No one beat their wives back then or did drugs. They played the right way. Guys like Sherman talking sharply to reporters is ruining the league.


    Make the NFL Great Again!

    Didnt say that either. Guess the only way you can make a point is to just make things up. I think Shermans a jerk. My opinion. Not the first time hes acted like an ass. Probably the twentieth time. Some people are jerks. Peyton Manning is another. Actually hes worse. Intentionally tried to destroy a trainers career at the U of Tennessee after he sexually harrassed her. But he sure could throw a great deep ball couldnt he. All that matters to people like you.

  9. Haha, it's hilarious what some people are cool with and what bothers them.


    And yeah, people are boycotting the NFL because Sherman. Great hot take. It's only 3 times as popular as the next closet American sport!

    No. Ratings are down because people are tired of boorish behavior of athletes in general. You think Sherman is the only jackass in the NFL. Ray Rice. Aaron Hernandez. The dumbass punter from the giants who beats his wife. To name just a few. Are you clueless or just some jerk troll trying to push peoples buttons. Probably the later.

  10. Graham makes a classic mistake here. He makes the correlation that having a higher percentage of drafted players on your team CAUSES success. In policy study circles, they'd say he is ignoring a latent variable that is driving both high draft pick roster percentage and success.


    Teams with franchise QBs have to rely primarily on draft picks because the QB eats up so much cap room. Teams without a franchise QB salary, can afford to have a higher percentage of pro personal on their rosters.Having a top QB is the reason teams have long term success. It drives roster decisions as well.


    I read an article that said successful school children tended to have more books in their home than other children. Do you suppose the books really had anything to do with it? No, these children had smart/educated parents (who tend to read more) and that's what causes their success. Just filling a room in your house with books won't make your kid a better student.


    Just having your roster filled with draft picks won't consistently get you to the playoffs. Having a Franchise QB will.

    And part of his job is finding a QB.

    Graham is a hack.

    Why do I get the feeling that anybody who is critical of this team that hasnt made the playoffs in 17 years is a hack in your mind. Think the koolaid lovers need to start a club. You can call it the COM. Champions Of Mediocrity.

  11. Good article that raises genuine concerns. At this point Id give Whaley a C plus. Hes done some very good things and some not so good things. Unless he and rex cant stand each other Im bringing everyone back for one more year. That includes Tyrod. Draft a qb in he top three rounds. Bring in a back up vet. Clean house if no playoffs next year including brandon.

    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Typo police out in full force today... When you can't debate content focus on spelling , punctuation and grammar. Keep promoting doing the same thing that has failed for the entire century and then attack those pointing out the status quo isn't working. Those are the low IQ fans I am addressing.

    Gotta love the typo police. Frustrated english majors who got blocked from the Edgar Allen Poe site for being overly argumentative. Come to TBD to put us commoners in our place.
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