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Everything posted by TANK2

  1. Talking about him opening his big fat mouth for something other than stuffing a sheet pizza down his throat. He should just shut up, put down the bong, go to rehab, then waddle over to the gym and focus on getting into shape and earning his contract next year. Really dont care what his opinion is. He has zero credibility.
  2. Sounds like the plan is to get worse at QB. I suspect Whaley just cant let the thought of Manuel as a starter go.
  3. Shady had a great year. Gave his all. Kept his mouth shut. Stayed committed after getting his contract upped. Marcell could learn from that. Just stay out of trouble this offseason please Shady!
  4. Should have ask him his thoughts on sour diesel vs. blue haze and whether he prefers sativa or indica. Couldnt disagree more. When you demonstrate time and time again that you are not committed to your craft you give up the right to complain about your employer. Especially when your employer has made you one of the highest paid people in your field.
  5. Nobody knows what the right move is. To me Lynn is the anti-rex. Hasnt failed previously and by all accounts is demanding and attentive to detail. Hes also guided this offense to the seventh best point total year to date without his best receiver for most of the year. If hes smart enough to bring in a d coordinator whose system fits these players whats not to like? He doesnt have experience sucking with the clock. His game day decision making isnt littered with a history of questionable calls. He hasnt made a bunch of promises he simply cant keep. Hell likely tweek our offensive strategy in the offseason and could quite possibly get even better results with that unit next year. I think the evidence is very positive on this guy as a candidate. Worked under Parcells also. One of the all time greatest coaches in the NFL. If hes smart enough to overhaul the defense and let them do what they do best hes my guy.
  6. One of the first things Casserly brought up is Lynns plan on the opposite side of the ball. If the plan is to go back to what worked before and install a schwartz type defense he has the job. The offense consistently scored this year. I bring that back intact. Including Tyrod. And my goal on defense is top ten. That should get us to ten or eleven wins and hopefully a playoff spot.
  7. Jesus isnt going to help. Believe me Ive prayed many a night for a playoff appearance and Jesus has been ignoring me the last 17 years
  8. His comments are clearly backed up by his amazing play on the bench in Miami. This windbag is the last clown Id use to Make a point.
  9. Dont let him out of the building! Semi hack. Quoting a hack players comment.
  10. Read my other post a few pages back. I really dont feel like retyping it. No I dont beleive one reporter will change someones mind. Like I said. Read my other post. Its several things that are making this organization look bad and they are starting to add up.
  11. Um ESPN blasting the Bills with one of their analyst saying Anthony Lynn should get out of town as fast as he can. Pro football talk writing a scathing article about the leadership 'hiding' behind Lynn to name just a few. You really think people dont notice that. Like high profile head coaching candidates and coordinators. Like it or not that stuff matters to some. Especially well qualified people in high demand who may be considering employment with this organization who are likely to get multiple job offers for next year.
  12. Its piss poor public relations. Rex getting fired is big news nationally. The first person to be questioned about anything even remotely related to it should be one of your top people. The owner, your GM, or your so called president. Not your freakin interim head coach who has a long way to go in the public speaking dept. Especially given the vultures that work for the BN. Sullivan made him look ridiculous on the starting qb decision. Not the kind of attention a team on a seventeen year playoff drought needs. Pretty obvious the press is gonna take that ball and run with it. Simply not handled properly. Right or wrong people notice these kind of things. Especially high profile head coaching candidates who might be very selective with where they may go for their first or second and likely last shot at a head job. There have been enough screw ups during Whaleys tenure. Some he was directly responsible for. Some he wasnt. Not hard to imagine that hes gone if they miss again next year. Which in and of itself is gonna make it hard to attract a great candidate. You simply dont need more negative attention. Now the entire organization is getting blasted nationally. Just not a headache this team needs right now. It hurts you with the coaching search. Also hurts you in free agency. Not that thats an issue with our salary cap situation. All could have likely been avoided if Whaley had held a presser prior to Lynn. They had time to put that together. They simply dropped the ball. Like they did giving Marrone an opt out with a free years pay. Like they did not insisting that Dareus' bonus be voided if he tested positive again for drugs. Like they did when they hired Ryan to begin with. And so on and so on. Just another black mark. I love the Pegulas. Firmly believe they will get it right eventually. Think they are absolutely on the right track with the hockey team. But they have alot to learn if they want this to be the model franchise we want it to be.
  13. Somebody who gets it. There are others out there just like me. Good to know Im not alone.
  14. Go get em bobby. Your heroes can do no wrong. 17 years and counting. Nothing to be upset about here.
  15. They hired Rex. Dont give them to much credit. Hated that move from day one.
  16. Heres whats gonna happen. Lynns gonna be the head coach. Tyrods gonna be the QB. Hopefully Sammys return to full time health allows the offense to be seventh or better in points per game. And we bring in a d coordinator who runs a 4-3 and puts our defense in the top ten. Problem solved. No need to overthink this.
  17. SOMETHING NEGATIVE? Thats hilarious! I hate the koolaid crowd as much as anybody but Sullivan is ALWAYS negative. Are you talking about the same media that treats the Bills and Sabres with blanket contempt? That media?
  18. I hate Sully and Bucky with a passion but Whaley is a total a-hole for letting this happen. Maybe it was the marketing geniuses idea. Lets make ourselves look completely ridiculous. That will get all the top candidates banging down our door! The Pegulas need to be smarter than this. Totally bush league.
  19. I can see merit in both sides of this argument. This team is not far off. They are not going to go 2-14 this year. But the Ryan hire was terrible. I hated it the day they announced it. Whaley better get this one right or hes next. I dont know why they keep Brandon around. Not that hard to fill the stadium. Dont need a marketing genius for that.
  20. So what your saying is Whaley and Brandon have zero accountability. Got it!
  21. Murphy is such an a-hole. New low for this loser.
  22. Anybody that thinks that list is a step up needs to check into rehab.
  23. Whaley better get it right or he should be next.
  24. Always about hate for the koolaid crowd isnt it? Nothing to do with the underperforming defense and habitual disorganization on the sidelines not to mention a sub 500 record as an NFL head coach. Feel free to reply with a list of excuses as to why nothing was his fault. Cant wait to hear them. Also make sure you critique my spelling and improper use of grammar.
  25. Should have never been hired in the first place. If Russ Brandon had a hand in convincing the Pegulas to hire Rex he needs to go to.
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