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Posts posted by TANK2

  1. Sorry Chan but Ive been watching this same movie the last seventeen years. This win will be impressive on some level if they can follow it up with a truly unbelievable win in NE. What happened yesterday happens all the time in this league. Pretty good team has bad day. Pretty bad team has epic day. Bad team beats good team. At this point thats all this is. Playoff teams string three or four of these efforts together. 8-8 teams play like this once every two or three weeks and usually sandwich in a couple of stinkers.


    And yet, he's missed 3 games in his first 2 seasons. Julio Jones missed 3. OBJ missed 5. AJ Green, 3 in the last 2 seasons.

    Somehow I feel this discussion is all about people with strong emotions some posters have, and not about the facts :w00t:


    I'm not clear on whether that last is true or not. If Taylor can't find open WR, does it matter if Watkins is there or not? Lynn has to find a power rush attack and some pass plays Taylor can hit. If we're just throwing long bombs down the field Goodwin and Salas seemed to catch them OK, and Wood seems always open.


    Might help if Clay would look for the ball, though.

    He's injury prone. The fact that he hobbles onto the field and tries to play through it doesnt change that. Rarely heard that Andre Reed or James Lofton were hurt during their careers. You hear it alot about Watkins.

  3. Why do you always have to point to things as "excuses"



    So friggen irritating.....Lynn is going to work with the groceries he has to deal with......is there an option for him? No

    Hes frustrated. 17 years with no playoffs is beyond a joke. Every year its nothing but talk at OBD. Ryan, Brandon, Whaley, John Murphy. Talk, talk, talk. Who cares what he calls it. At this point any criticism is valid. If he wants to blame the janitor its valid. I had seasons tix during the glory years. Now Im subjected to this? Im pretty sure most of the posters on this board could have run this team over the past 17 years and done just as well. If not better! How could you do worse? We deserve more as a fan base.
  4. His QBs include


    Quincy Carter -Dal

    Vinny Testerverde - Dal

    Drew Bledsoe - Dal

    Tony Romo - Dal

    Chad Henne- MIA

    Chad Pennington - MIA

    Sanchez - NYJ

    Smith -NYJ

    Matt Simms - NYJ




    Etc no real elite QB development going on there

    Good list that shows talent matters. Bledsoe and Romo very good over a long period of time.Fitx and Pennington average to above average over a long period of time. The rest below average to really bad over a long period of time. Doubt that's David Lee's fault. Or that they excelled only because of him.

  5. I think when your new to a side of the game that none of us will ever see (ownership) and you need to learn the game on a level few if any of us will ever experience you learn by talking to all members of your organization in an environment that elicits objective honest answers so you can make intelligent decisions both now and in the future. If that means undermining the coach you probably regret hiring so you can make a proper determination of the future direction of the franchise then so be it. Maybe Rex should spend a little less time making a fool of himself during press conferences and a little more time trying to improve on his piss poor record over the past five plus years in this league. He's roughly 16 games or so below five hundred his last four years with the Jets and his time with us. To me this is the beginning of the end for Whaley and Ryan. Hopefully the Pegulas can use this time to do their homework and bring in people next year who can lead us back to the playoffs.

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