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Everything posted by TANK2

  1. Montana is better. 4 time Superbowl winner when the NFC was brutal. 3 time Superbowl MVP. No ints in his 4 appearances. Plus he didnt cheat. The cheatriots dubious bending of the rules matters when your average margin of victory in your 4 wins in the SB is 3.333 pts.
  2. Nice win. Glad Miami won. Should get us to stay focused. Big test is against the Pats.
  3. I must say the "beating a dead horse" take and the "are we talking about this again" blast are far more stale than the take itself.
  4. One thing Tyrod does very well is protect the football. Turnovers are a huge factor in wins and losses. If we can continue to protect the football, play aggressive defense and force turnovers, and get two or three big plays per game out Tyrod we should make the playoffs. This ridiculous notion that the only way to win games is to go five wide 70 percent of the time and throw it 50 times a game is nonsense. You can do what the Bills do and win a championship.
  5. Taylors biggest strength is that he doesnt turn the ball over. Its a very undervalued aspect of his game.
  6. Actually I was thinking lifetime contract extension at 20 mill a season to start with a 10 million dollar raise every other year to compensate for inflation.
  7. Go on take the money and run!
  8. Didnt you watch Creed? Age is undefeated! Rocky didnt beat Apollo, age beat Apollo. The ignorance of some of the posters on this board is unfathomable!
  9. Nice win. Lets see them win the next three then do it against Brady.
  10. We dont beat them now well never beat them.
  11. Not refering to Watkins specifically. Refering To the notion that the draft is a crap shoot. Thats flat out wrong. The Bills drafting improved immensely in the 80s when Polian took over. Ozzie Newsome in Baltimore has a stellar reputation in the draft. The Steelers have relied heavily on the draft rarely signing free agents from other teams. Some GMs are better at it than others.
  12. If this is true Id like to submit my name for consideration as the bills next gm. Ill take half the pay. My draft strategy will be simple. Go out and purchase the ten most popular draft publications. Tear out the pages in each that have all the player rankings. Throw all the names into a hat (after Ive had my secretary cut all the pages up so each piece has the name of a single player). Buy seven hats. Label the hats rounds one through seven. Place the names in each hat based on their median rankings of all the publications. Draw a name in the applicable round from the applicable hat each time we pick. I should be NFL executive of the year within three years by my projections.
  13. Swearing at my TV alot while my wife sits in the bedroom trying to ignore me.
  14. Youve obviously missed the last 16 years. To be clear. Im not saying Whaley should go. Or Rex even though I didnt like the hiring of Rex based on his mediocre record in NY. The season needs to play out. If they go 7-9(as usual) or better I probably bring everyone back for one more year. I like alot of what Whaleys done. But so far its not working. If this season totally goes in the toilet and they finish 5-11 or worse I wouldnt be surprised if they clean house. Whaleys been GM since 2013. Thats enough time to expect some improvement. Back in 2013 I was an advocate for exactly what the Sabres did. Miller and Vanek got traded. They gutted the team and now three years later we have something to be really excited about. Not saying they are cup contenders yet. but the foundation is there. Id like to see the same with the Bills and as of right now I dont see it. Primarily because it still looks like we dont have that MARQUEE QB. You dont need a decade to start turning a franchise around.
  15. 16 years of no playoffs will do that. People are frustrated and they have every right to be. Maybe the context is off base, ridiculous, even insane. But the frustration level isnt and this season is looking no different. Is it to much to ask for more than 8-8 every year? Being a fan doesnt require you to accept a lousy product. As much as you hate the negative people is as much as I cant stand the people who act like weve one the last ten superbowls. You say anything even remotely critical and you get attacked like a wounded jack rabbit surrounded by rabid dogs.
  16. Na. Just need to keep our standards really low with this team. Tell ourselves 8-8 is the new 16-0. 9-7? Thats like winning four superbowls in a row!
  17. Good solid description of those who think hes one of the best GM's in the league.
  18. Good ol' glass. Not injury prone according to John Murphy
  19. Whaleys moves are open to question. Hes made plenty of mistakes and we appear no closer to the playoffs than last year or the year before. That could start to change if they do the unexpected and beat NE. For now no criticsm of Whaley is unfair. Some teams reportedly had Lawson off their board. Whaley can certainly be questioned on that one. Especially since he was adamant that Lawson didnt need surgery then a week later they announce he needs surgery. I dont blame him on Ragland. That was a fluke. But the Lawson pick is open to criticsm and the way they handled the surgery issue doesnt help their credibility.
  20. Its a little more than him being stupid. He clearly has mental health issues which is sad. An incredible talent whose brain is wired wrong. He needs professional help. Hope he gets it before its too late. Before he hurts himself or someone else Idiotic, immature, childish comment. Grow up.
  21. hghjj hgddgy hgghh
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